Crowdfunding since 2010

Let’s renovate an old barn in the Carpathians TOGETHER, get our hands dirty and have a lot of fun along the way. Guaranteed !

PERMA & CULTURE is a project about Permaculture, sustainable construction, and a mudbath. This spring, join us to renovate a traditional old barn from the cultural landscape of the Carpathians, and convert it for further use. Our ultimate goal is for the people to be able to enjoy the magnificent view here, creating a center for volunteers + events with our NGO. Through the use of natural materials (Cob), we will learn a sustainable building technique in a playful manner, hands-on action & fun.
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Funding period
12/20/23 - 1/21/24
Summer 2024
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 3,000 €

With this amount we can take care of the cobworks, the logistical support of the associated events, as well as carry out repairs to the roof and walls. If there is money left over, the old hayloft is converted into a dormitory for volunteers.

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Primary sustainable development goal
Climate action

A Transylvanian Tale

Andreas Pohl
Andreas Pohl2 min Lesezeit

Our projects story is also the story of the valley Ioanas Grandparents grew up in (and hardly ever left). It's the story about people, deeply connected to the land they work. In her movie "The Grandparents" she went on a personal journey to explore this, and her own connection, to the region. In Ioanas second short movie "A Transylvanian Tale" she goes on journey exploring the valley myths and stories. If you like, it's available to watch here.

With Dupa Gard we aim to conserve some of these traditions, while also using the input of science-based permaculture to build a stable foundation for a sustainable or even regenerative future. We interact with the local community, but also spread the message beyond our little valley. With projects like the renovation of the barn with cob, we show that working with local, natural materials is: more healthy, more convenient AND cheaper. PLUS it can be loads of fun, if done TOGETHER.

If you have hesitated so far, now is the opportunity to support these efforts and take an active role: either by choosing one of our goodies, donating, or/and coming over to join our events for some hands-on action. Be it with the goodie "MudBath" or "Permaculture Campfire" - you will learn cobworking, help create a community space for volunteers and enjoy yourself. Join us now, and you wont regret it!

The images are AI created, and symbolise our vision for a green, positive future.

PS: after a very good start into the campaign, over the holidays we had nearly no movement. Since we didnt even reach half of our goal, we will now scale up our efforts, and hope to reach more people able and willing to contribute.

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1/8/24 - über die Weihnachtsferien hat sich leider null...

über die Weihnachtsferien hat sich leider null bewegt in der Kampagne, erst jetzt werden die Leute wieder reaktiver. das hatten wir bei der Erstellung der Kampagne nicht berücksichtigt/erwartet. mit einer extra Woche, können wir das Ziel noch erreichen!

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