With this amount we can take care of the cobworks, the logistical support of the associated events, as well as carry out repairs to the roof and walls. If there is money left over, the old hayloft is converted into a dormitory for volunteers.
Since the start of our project Dupa Gard, we have been restoring an old pasture in the Romanian Western Carpathians, with a focus on volunteering, sustainable tourism, regenerative agriculture and permaculture. Next season, with your help, we want to realize the renovation of an old barn on the property. To do this, we use:
The aim is to cover the floor and walls with cobwork, and to transform the former cowshed into a cultural centre for permaculture and a recreation room for our volunteers.
The goal is to find people who want to lend a hand, and those who want to financially support our work for the environment and people here. We are addressing people with experience in the relevant construction techniques, or those who want to learn such techniques. People with a love for nature, natural building, and regenerative living. People like you and me who love to live on this earth and want to keep it as beautiful as it is.
Here you can either do something tangible yourself, or do something good DIRECTLY with your money. Without intermediaries, everything goes directly into the project pot and helps with the renovation work. A small step for you, but a huge contribution to the protection of the environment and the promotion of our work.
We keep the campaign up-to-date even after its successful end, post updates and of course are particularly looking forward to being able to inspire some supporters directly with the project result, when they visit us in Transylvania.
Behind the project are the founders Ioana and Andreas, the permaculture project Dupa Gard, as well as the NGO "JJ Films and Culture", which has been supporting and initiating cultural projects in the region since 2010.
Since the start of the Dupa Gard project, we, Ioana and Andreas, have put all our heart and blood into the project. It's been a long road, and we're happy to have made it this far. In the meantime, we have decided to live permanently at the project site, and continue to put a lot of our energy and time into the project. We hope to be able to continue on this path together with you!
Bereits seit Beginn des Projektes După Gard ist Nachhaltigkeit im Zentrum unseres Handelns. Mit dem Subprojekt PERMA & KULTUR setzt sich das fort: mit lokalen Naturmaterialien nutzen wir Cobwork, um eine alte Scheune fachgerecht und nachhaltig zu erhalten.
Ein Traum wird nicht zur Realität durch Glück, sondern durch Schweiß, Zielstrebigkeit und harte Arbeit.This project has passed the Startnext check up.
über die Weihnachtsferien hat sich leider null bewegt in der Kampagne, erst jetzt werden die Leute wieder reaktiver. das hatten wir bei der Erstellung der Kampagne nicht berücksichtigt/erwartet. mit einer extra Woche, können wir das Ziel noch erreichen!