Crowdfunding since 2010

Ukrainian defenders in Donbass need a pickup truck. Help save lives in Ukraine. Mobility on the front line is critical.

For months, a war has been raging in Ukraine, claiming new victims every day. Cities are destroyed, women and children are raped and murdered. It is impossible to put the horrors of this war into words. We cannot and will not stand idly by. We are raising money for a pickup truck for use in eastern Ukraine. A friend's unit fighting on the front lines in Donbass needs a supply vehicle.
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Funding period
5/16/22 - 6/6/22
As soon as the money is there
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Minimum amount (Start level): 6,000 €

Purchase a pickup truck for a friend whose unit is fighting on the front lines in eastern Ukraine + fuel for the trip to the Ukrainian border.

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What is this project all about?

A friend of ours is currently risking his life on the front line near Donetsk (as are many other brave men and women). He is serving in the 5th SSO Regiment, Azov Battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. His unit is in desperate need of a pickup truck.

We want to help protect peaceful cities with their people from the horror of war. Every kilometer defended saves lives.

What will the pickup be used for in Ukraine?

  • Providing food and ammunition to soldiers on the front line
  • Transportation of wounded and fallen soldiers
  • Transporting soldiers to the front line

How will the pickup come to Ukraine?

We will buy the vehicle in Germany and drive it personally to the Ukrainian border. I will take it over myself.

At the border I will hand over the vehicle to a trusted contact person. From there, the vehicle will be driven to its destination in the Donbass, near Donetsk.

Why doesn't the army provide its soldiers with enough vehicles themselves?

Despite the generous military and monetary aid from the West, many places lack the necessities. The large-scale attack poses great challenges for supplies. This is where ordinary people can provide crucial help. Providing people on the ground with what is urgently needed at the moment and where it is needed proves to be effective. That's why we want to provide a vehicle, not just money.

How can I be sure that my money will find its intended purpose?

As much as possible, we will document every step: Donation proceeds, purchases (with invoices), transportation, deployment, etc.

Every supporter will receive an invitation link to a non-public Telegram channel at the end of the fundraising campaign, where we will publish news and information about the daily life of the unit and especially the use of the pickup.

Which models are needed?

  • Mitsubishi L200
  • Nissan Navara
  • Toyota Hilux
  • etc.

With all wheel drive.

Why this amount of money?

This is the approximate market price of one of the needed vehicles in used condition + minor additional expenses necessary to bring the vehicle to Ukraine.

How else can I help?

If you yourself have suitable vehicles for sale or know of appropriate car dealers with concrete proposals, please get in touch as well. Every hint and every Euro helps!

Otherwise, please share this appeal for donations with your friends, acquaintances and colleagues in messengers and social networks.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The war goes on and on. Our help must not diminish. I want to help not only with money and things (as before), but also with concrete actions. That is the most effective way to help. That's what we did with the drone we sent to Ukraine from Germany for another friend. In Ukraine, such drones were already sold out. Therefore, I personally want to make sure that the vehicle reaches the right people. However, for this I need your help!

By the way, we will not go empty-handed.

As far as possible we will load the vehicle with humanitarian aid. There are some collection points in Düsseldorf that have more than enough. However, they lack drivers.

Why would you support this project?

Your support helps to protect human destinies and elementary rights like life and health. Support can ensure that crimes, such as torture and rape, are not committed.

After the world learned about Butcha, it is obvious to me: every kilometer that is defended and every small village that is not taken prevents further atrocities. That is why haste is essential. Literally every day counts.

Perhaps some of you have already donated to Ukraine. Maybe even several times. Thank you for that!

But maybe some of you don't feel comfortable participating in big and anonymous fundraising campaigns, because you don't really know what will happen with your money and who will get it in the end.

One reason to start this crowdfunding was to give people the opportunity to directly participate in a concrete project with concrete people with their donation. You will see from the beginning to the end what happens with your money and how the donated vehicle will be used later.

Every supporter will receive an invitation link to a non-public Telegram channel at the end of the fundraising campaign, where we will publish news and information about the daily life of the unit and especially the use of the pickup.

I am convinced that really everyone can help. You can personally contribute directly to fight evil. How awesome is that? With all the suffering that is happening right now, this thought instills me with confidence and drive.

This possibility of being able to do something is liberating. Try it and you won't regret it!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Depending on the amount raised in the end, we will use the money to fund the following:

  • The purchase of the pickup truck
  • Fuel to the Polish-Ukrainian border
  • Minor expenses for interim registration and car insurance
  • If there is anything left over, we will use it to buy other needed goods, depending on what is needed at the moment. Medicines, equipment and other humanitarian aid.

If there is enough money for several cars, we will of course bring them to Ukraine.

Who are the people behind the project?

Hi, I'm Konstantin, 36 years old. Am a graduate engineer of technical computer science. Professionally, I am co-founder and CTO of a startup in the IT sector. I live in Düsseldorf and have two children. In my free time I jog and love to go to the mountains.

I was born in Ukraine, but have been living in Germany for almost 30 years. The most important thing for me at the moment is to help Ukraine.

But, of course, I am not alone. "We" - these are ordinary people: Friends, acquaintances and colleagues. People who cannot look away.

So far we have collected and donated the following for Ukraine among friends, acquaintances and colleagues:

  • direct donations to the official donation account of the [*]Ukrainian Armed Forces (in the first days of the war)
  • Purchased medicines worth about 3000€ and sent them to Kharkiv (in the beginning of March)
  • A drone and two combat helmets to an acquaintance near Zaporizhzhia (mid-April)
  • Money to buy a full set of equipment for a volunteer medic (early May)
  • Sleeping equipment worth 500€
  • other donations in kind

You can find a short summary in the following presentation: What we have donated so far.

Some of us, who are behind the project, unfortunately cannot publish their names, because they still have families in the occupied areas of Ukraine.


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5/27/22 - Das Ziel ist fast erreicht. Es fehlen weniger...

Das Ziel ist fast erreicht. Es fehlen weniger als 1k€. Um auf der sicheren Seite zu sein, haben wir beschlossen, die Finanzierungsphase um eine Woche zu verlängern.
The goal is almost reached. Less than 1k€ is missing. To be on the safe side, we decided to extend the funding phase by one week.

5/27/22 - Unendlichen Dank an alle, die bisher...

Unendlichen Dank an alle, die bisher beigetragen haben. In 8 Tagen fast 4000€. Wir sind auf dem besten Weg, das Ziel zu erreichen.

In der Zwischenzeit hat die Einheit meines Freundes selbst auch ca. 1000€ an Spenden zusammenbekommen. Evtl. kommen noch 500€ dazu. Wir sollten also mit 6000€ auskommen, weswegen ich das Ziel entsprechendereduzieren werde.

Noch mal vielen Dank an alle, die uns, und vor allem die Ukraine, unterstützt haben und alle, die noch untersützen werden.

Pickup truck for Ukraine
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