Crowdfunding since 2010

Better porn for everyone! For higher ethical standards in the porn industry and more sexual education about porn consumption.

Many people watch porn. But on many of the biggest porn sites, you will find sexist, racist or stereotypical content, illegal uploads or aggressive advertising. On our free platform, we present porn sites that do it better: sites with high feminist and ethical standards and fair working conditions for performers. In this way we want to promote conscious porn consumption and show fair alternatives to the big platforms.
Privacy notice
Funding period
5/4/23 - 7/3/23
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 4,500 €

We'll revamp & improve our website and offer more educational content, online and offline.

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Primary sustainable development goal
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Launch Day
1,000 €

What is this project all about?

With PORN BETTER we want to help people find ethically produced porn without encountering discriminatory, sexist or stolen content.

There are already many porn sites and studios out there that have high ethical standards and are working to educate the public about ethics in the production and marketing of porn. But too few people know about them, so most users end up on the big tube sites, some of which have problematic content.

That's why we find alternative porn sites for our readers and review them. Every porn site we review is given a rating based on transparent criteria. For example, we look at the working conditions and diversity / inclusivity of the production companies, as well as the external presentation of the site.
Performers can rate sites anonymously or publicly, and our readers can also get to know the people behind the camera in interviews, from the producer to the person responsible for consent on the set.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Especially because so many people watch porn, sex education and conscious consumption are very important.
Our project is aimed at everyone who cares about the responsible use of porn, regardless of gender, background, age or ability.
Our campaign therefore has several main objectives:

  • PORN BETTER is currently a DIY project. We are building the site ourselves using WordPress. We want to completely redesign the site so that it is easier to use and has more features (e.g. forum, easy language, glossary).
  • We want to expand our educational work to promote a nuanced and open exchange about pornography and sexuality. To this end, more educational material will be made available on our website. We also need funding to run workshops, streamings and panel discussions with experts.
  • PORN BETTER will become more diverse. To achieve this, we want to give more guest writers the opportunity to contribute their perspective - be it in the blog or in reviews. In return, the contributors should be fairly compensated.
  • PORN BETTER also wants to support people within the porn industry. Aspiring performers often ask us for advice on choosing the right studio, or aspiring producers for tips on how to treat their crew fairly. In order to be able to answer these questions in a qualified way, we want to work with industry experts to provide recources that performers and producers can refer to.

Why would you support this project?

Breaking down barriers.
Pornography is still a stigmatised issue in our society. Many watch porn, but few talk about it. By supporting us, you are helping to break down the stigma surrounding pornography use and making porn producers with high ethical standards more visible.

[Promote diversity
You'll be supporting a queer feminist team working to increase the visibility of marginalised people and overcome the male gaze that (still) dominates the porn industry.

We want PORN BETTER to add value to society and are working to make our project self-sustaining with enough reach in the future to keep us going for a long time! So far only Esti and Luna have been able to invest so much time in PORN BETTER thanks to a grant (InnoStartBonus). This funding will end in October. With your support we can get our site ready for the future and also finance Evi's participation.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

5000 EURO:
This amount covers our past and current costs for running the site this year: Domain, website, insurance, software subscriptions and so on. We have paid these costs from our savings so far.

15000 EURO: We will improve our website with the help of a web designer and make it available in more languages. We also add a magnifying glass and read aloud tool for people with visual impairments. We expand our blog and invite experts in sexual health, sex education and pornography to write for us. We are producing videos on the topics covered in the blog to help us share the content on social media. The money should also be enough for some smaller events (screenings & workshops).

30000 EURO: We are completely redesigning our website. This will include better filtering and search functions, a separate section for the blog, a section for educational resources (e.g. collections of materials for aspiring content producers) and interactive offers for users. Running costs for the website will be covered for at least another year.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are Luna, Evi and Esti. Professionally, we come from different backgrounds (cultural studies, film industry and health care). But most of all we are connected by a good friendship. Even before PORN BETTER started, we shared an interest in (queer)feminist issues, sexual empowerment and social justice.

We want to build our platform sustainably and with your help. Our focus is on social value, not maximum profit.


What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Mehr Aufklärung über Pornografie führt zu mehr Medienkompetenz im Umgang mit Pornografie.

Bildung für Erwachsene: Über Pornokonsum wird nicht wertfrei gesprochen, Scham- und Schuldgefühle verhindern wichtige persönliche und gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzungen

Ethisch bedeutet: Überwindung von stereotypen, sexistischen und rassistischen Darstellungen in Pornos, faire Arbeitsbedingungen, Safer-Sex-Standards, Konsens und gute Kommunikation.

Ethischer Konsum ohne illegale Inhalte

This project also pays toward those goals

Gender equality
Sustainable consumption
No Guilt, Just Pleasure - it's time we talked about porn, sexuality and pleasure without shame!
This project has passed the Startnext check up.
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Legal notice
PORN BETTER Krüger & Heine GbR
Luna E. Heine
Arno-Nitzsche-Str. 20
04277 Leipzig Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE361199343

7/1/23 - Liebe Unterstützer*innen, zunächst noch einmal...

Liebe Unterstützer*innen,
zunächst noch einmal ein großes Dankeschön! Unser Ziel sind jetzt 4500€! Wie wär's denn noch mit Kinotickets oder einem T-Shirt?
Aktuell sind wir sehr präsent in den Medien und hoffen, dass neben dem Backslash von der AfD die Berichterstattung auch weiter positive Resonanz mit sich bringt. Wir halten euch weiter auf dem Laufenden, allerdings nicht mehr auf Instagram, da wir dort leider gesperrt wurden. Teilt uns daher gerne noch mal fleißig!
Vielen Dank Luna, Esti & Evi

6/7/23 - Liebe Unterstützer*innen, wir sind unglaublich...

Liebe Unterstützer*innen,
wir sind unglaublich dankbar für Euren Support. Wir haben 66% unserer Finanzierungssumme erreicht! Um auch die 100% zu erreichen, haben wir uns entschlossen, dass dies der perfekte Zeitpunkt ist, um unser Finanzierungsende bis zum 03. Juli zu verlängern. Wir hoffen so unser Ziel zu verwirklichen: Unsere Seite inklusiver zu gestalten & leichter bedienbar zu machen. Denn Wissen über ethische Pornos sollte für alle Menschen zugänglich sein!
Tausend Dank Luna, Esti & Evi

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