Crowdfunding since 2010

Für meine neue Fotoserie 'portraits' möchte ich mit Eurer Unterstützung in die Kleidung anderer Menschen schlüpfen und das auf der ganzen Welt.

In 2018, I swapped my clothes with 100 people for my photo series 'Selbstportrait'. For my new photo series 'portraits', I would like to take this series further and this time immerse myself in the clothes of strangers and friends around the world in order to empathise with humanity and redefine and question our understanding of clothing. I will kick off the series this summer in Cairo, Egypt and therefore I need your support.
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Funding period
5/12/22 - 5/31/22
Summer 2022 – ongoing
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 2,500 €

Um die Fotografien überall auf der Welt gleich belichten zu können, brauche ich zwei hochwertige und handliche Profoto A10 Blitze (inklusive Zubehör).

Frankfurt am Main
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Primary sustainable development goal
Reduced inequality
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1,917 €

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