The beginning of the project was the book "Anarchie! Idee, Geschichte, Perspektiven" (Anarchy! Idea, History, Perspectives) by Horst Stowasser. With him we began drafting the movie, which should be an introduction into the broad topic of anarchism. Thereby we wanted to address especially people who had yet no or just limited knowledge about the anarchist idea. A film for a broad audience.
A short part of the film outlines the basic ideas of anarchism. Our main focus, however, is on people who take the first steps in the direction of an anarchist society. It is us and our project where you can turn to, to learn about and expose yourself to the idea of an anarchist society - beyond the common clichés of anarchists as either hooded vandalists or anarchy as a state of civil unrest - as an alternative to be taken serious.
In the last couple of years we were on the road in Spain, Greece, Switzerland and Germany.
Shooting locations, projects and people appearing in the film:
→ International Anarchist Meeting 2012 - Saint-Imier, Switzerland The biggest anarchist meeting in recent history with about 3,000 participants.
→ Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) - Barcelona, Spain
Anarcho-syndicalist union with about 60,000 members.
→ Parko Navarinou - Athens, Greece
Occupied in 2009, this parking lot was converted into a public park by residents and anarchists.
→ Hanna Poddig, Germany
Anti-nuclear activist, who blockaded the transport of radioactive materials by chaining herself to the tracks.
→ Enric Duran, Spain
Anti-capitalist activist, who parted 39 banks from their cash (about half a million euros) and now lives in the underground.
→ Cooperativa Integral Catalana (CIC) - Barcelona, Spain
A cooperative, co-initiated by Enric Duran, with more than two thousand members, which tries to cause societal transformation through alternative currency models, own production and bartering.
→ Kartoffelkombinat - Munich, Germany
Solidary agriculture, which, after only two years, already provides for 450 households - and counting.
(The Kartoffelkombinat, by self-definition of the associates, is not an anarchist project. In the context of the film however it is of great interest to us.)
For film editing we need at least €8,000. For the completion of the project, including the different language versions, up to the finished DVD about €20,000 are required.
Because we didn't want to set the hurdle too high our startnext funding threshold will be €8,000. After all the money is only handed out to us when we reach it. To optimally realize the film we need far more than that. That's why our funding goal is €15,000. But even when it is reached - keep on donating! ;-)
Until now the film has been financially supported with €50,000 by the Kulturelle Filmförderung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the Filmstiftung NRW and the Stiftungsgemeinschaft Anstiftung & Ertomis. Besides money we ourselves have especially put a lot of time in the project. Many people worked on the film without payment. We are already endlessly grateful to them!
Besides film festivals and a DVD distribution we plan on extensive touring in different countries to bring ideas and people together. On the website there will be a variety of materials regarding the projects, anarchism and additionally much more great footage. We are always grateful for suggestions and ideas.
It is obvious that our political system is not capable of answering the urging questions of our time. Even in the so called first world the failure of the capitalistic life designs is obvious. Projekt A shows people and projects opposing the regime and daring the first steps in the direction of a different social order. In different areas they try to establish a life following the principles of solidarity and freedom.
Right from the start it was difficult to find investors or even airtime. To seriously expose yourself to an alternative idea of social coexistence and to question the prevalent dogmas is not exactly seen as hip these days. To us however it was clear: we will make the film, because discourse is necessary.
A large portion of people crave other ways of live. That's why we are convinced that the film will find its audience and will do its bit on the way to another world. At that, crowdfunding is a great possibility to realise this DIY project independently und far from the usual film distribution ways.
Right from the start it was difficult to find investors or even airtime. To seriously expose yourself to an alternative idea of social coexistence and to question the prevalent dogmas is not exactly seen as hip these days. To us however it was clear: we will make the film, because discourse is necessary.
A large portion of people crave other ways of live. That's why we are convinced that the film will find its audience and will do its bit on the way to another world. At that, crowdfunding is a great possibility to realise this DIY project independently und far from the usual film distribution ways.
Your support will help us paying for the post-production. We will finish the film in the time span from mid Septembre to the end of Decembre with various people. Many of them support the project, work without or for low pay.
Yet it doesn't work without money. A professional and high-quality movie involves costs even we, with our extensive network, are bound to face.
Here you see listed what we need the money for:
01 editing room and editing
02 graphic designer
03 animation
04 colour correction
05 sound design and sound mixing
06 soundtrack
07 translation
08 subtitles
09 DVD/DCP creation
10 website
There will be neat bonuses for you if you decide to support us. For details see the right side. Of course you can also offer to help us directly, or promote the project to your friends and family or via the internet. We are grateful for every kind of support!
We - Moritz and Marcel - are two independent film makers with relevant experience in the field of documentaries. We realise Projekt A with our extensive network of friends and supporters.
Marcel Seehuber director, camera
Moritz Springer director, sound
Stefanie Kosik, Frank Müller editing
Port au Prince Filmproduktion production
camera assistant, translation:
Demian von Prittwitz, Andrés Bartos, Francesca Araiza Andrade,
editing assistance, production assistance:
Tobias Obermeier, Nils Nebe
scientific advisor:
Dr. Peter Seyferth
Projekt A Kollektiv
Geschäftsführung: Jan Krüger
Firmensitz: Berlin
HRB 113661 B
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
UST ID DE 260135475