Crowdfunding since 2010

A farewell ritual to tangibly preserve therapeutic successes, resources, and coping strategies.

Our 'Aember Resources Talisman Box' provides a unique way to facilitate farewells in therapeutic settings. The accompanying ritual is not only a celebration of achievements, but also a sustainable way to internalize them. Our box has proven successful in practice, and now we aim to reach more therapists and improve farewells for more clients. We believe that a good ending can be the start of something new. Check out our video for more information!
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Funding period
5/10/23 - 8/11/23
3-5 months after campaign end
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

We will use the money to kickstart the first production of the "Aember Resources Talisman" and finance further product developments with the profits.

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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

The Aember Resource Talisman is the first product of PYLON tools for therapy, a newly founded start-up with the aim of modernizing and rethinking psychotherapeutic materials.

Psychotherapy can extend over a long period of time, and often a close relationship develops between client and therapist. However, at the end of therapy, both sides must say goodbye to each other. Clients lose continuous support for everyday problem-solving and are now on their own.

With your support, we at PYLON tools for therapy want to make this farewell easier and have developed the Aember Resource Talisman for this purpose.
This is produced to say goodbye to clients in the last session, to review the therapeutic process and record successes.
The farewell ritual for creating the talisman is suitable for both group and individual settings.
Inside it, Aember conceals a symbol for the burden with which the therapy began. This is surrounded by positive resources, symbolized by a smart material. In the hands of the clients, this is formed into the Aember Resource Talisman. The individually shaped talisman can be taken into everyday life in the form of a keychain.

The Aember Talisman is unique and only fits in the hand of the person who created it. This can help in the post-therapeutic period to remember their own desires, resources, and learned coping strategies.

Aember is a materialized anchor that reminds clients that they are more than just their experiences or symptoms. These will always be a part of them, but the positive resources take up much more space.

Support us in bringing Aember to the market and making it more accessible to therapists.

Quick information about the Aember Resource Talisman Box:
• Ritual for farewell in individual or group therapy
• Material for at least 25 Aember talismans
• Quick hardening of the material within a few minutes
• Flexible duration of the ritual, 15-90 minutes
• Proven in practice, appreciated by therapists
• All materials can be reordered individually
• Pellets made of bioplastic, packaging made of paper
• Made in Germany

Content of the box:
• 150 colored resource pellets
• 25 nylon loops
• 1 sieve spoon
• 30 load stones
• 1 wooden tray
• 1 towel
• 1 glass
• Instructions

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our methods and tools are designed to support psychotherapy, coaching, counseling, grief counseling, seminars, workshops, and many other areas.

Therefore, our products are aimed at:
• Psychiatrists
• Psychotherapists
• Child and adolescent psychotherapists
• Systemic therapists
• Systemic consultants
• Systemic coaches
• Grief counselors
• Clinics
• Hospices
• Rehabilitation clinics
• Counseling networks

Why would you support this project?

We aim to revolutionize the market of therapeutic products. Our Aember Resource Talisman is just the beginning of a whole product line waiting to be developed.

Our Aember Resource Talisman is already being used and appreciated by psychotherapists in Germany, with consistently positive feedback. With your support, we can increase its reach and provide more clients with an appropriate farewell.

We are proud to be a part of the growing number of women-founded companies. In Germany, only around 20% of startups are founded by women. We want to serve as an example for other women and inspire them to pursue their own dreams. Help us continue to grow, strengthen the role of women in leadership positions, and develop innovative products for mental health in Germany.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We will use the funds to kickstart the production of the first small series of the Aember Resource Talisman box and use the profits to finance further product developments. Our platform will continue to grow, and new products to support psychotherapy, counseling, and coaching will be created in the shop in the coming months.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are Delphine, Maria, and Fiona, a team based in Leipzig. We are a game and learning designer, a product designer, and a prospective psychologist. Together, we have founded PYLON tools for therapy and work at the intersection of therapy and design. Our goal is to support psychotherapists, counselors, and coaches in their work through new products, rituals, and methods. The idea emerged in 2019 from Delphine Bishop's master's thesis at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in collaboration with (psycho-)therapists. They already use our Aember Resources Talisman Box to say goodbye to their clients at the end of therapy. We are motivated to continue developing our products and methods because we have so many ideas...

Pylon Team

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Mental health is important to us. With our products, we support a successful therapy conclusion so that successes are sustained.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in some mental illnesses ... these have risen by 25% in the first year of the pandemic alone (WHO).

Therefore, for every Talisman Box sold, we donate €2 to the non-profit organization Freunde fürs Leben (Friends for Life) to raise more awareness for mental illnesses.

This project also pays toward those goals




futureSAX ist die Innovationsplattform des Freistaates Sachsen. Sie richtet sich an Gründer, Unternehmer, Wissenschaftler sowie Kapitalgeber und Investoren. Unser Projket wird über Innostard Bonus gefördert.

Legal notice
Pylon Studio UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Delphine Bishop
Gellertplatz 1
04177 Leipzig Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE355953008

HRB Leipzig: HRB 40611

7/12/23 - Liebe Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer,...

Liebe Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer,

Euer Beitrag hat uns bereits über 80% unseres Finanzierungsziels näher gebracht!
Um die restlichen 9% zu erreichen, verlängern wir die Kampagne um 30 Tage. Wir möchten euch bitten, die Kampagne weiterhin aktiv zu unterstützen, indem ihr sie an Menschen weiterleitet die sich für Aember Interessieren könnten.

Im Hintergrund beginnen wir bereits mit der Produktion. Euer Vertrauen und eure Unterstützung haben dies ermöglicht!

Euer Pylon Team

5/23/23 - Liebe Unterstützer:innen ein herzliches...

Liebe Unterstützer:innen

ein herzliches Dankeschön an euch alle! Mit eurer Hilfe haben wir bereits 25% unseres Finanzierungsziels erreicht. Wir sind überwältigt von eurer Unterstützung und möchten euch heute einfach mal Danke sagen.

Um unser Ziel in den nächsten 54 Tagen zu erreichen, haben wir das Finanzierungsziel etwas angepasst.

Bitte teilt unsere Kampagne weiterhin fleißig, um noch mehr Menschen zu erreichen. Jeder Beitrag und jede Unterstützung zählt! DANKE!

5/13/23 - Aufgrund der Erkenntnis, dass unsere...

Aufgrund der Erkenntnis, dass unsere Zielgruppe sehr spezifisch ist, haben wir beschlossen, die Fördersumme etwas zu reduzieren.

Eure Unterstützung bedeutet uns viel und hilft uns dabei, unser Ziel zu erreichen. Danke

Aember Resources Talisman Box for Therapists
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