Crowdfunding since 2010

Investing in the future LGBTIQ+ leaders by creating a high-energy, high-intensity leadership contest for the LGBTIQ+ community in a safe space.

Imagine the potential 100 future LGBTIQ+ Leaders have to transform realities, inspire people and impact projects? Through diversity, inclusion and equality, anything is possible – and promoting that is the purpose of RAHM. The RAHM Leadership Contest in Berlin will be where future LGBTIQ+ leaders and their allies can develop their leadership skills and impactful ideas whilst networking with some of the best. Support RAHM now and be part of our network that invests in future LGBTIQ+ leaders!
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Funding period
10/13/22 - 1/6/23
July 2023
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 25,000 €

Logistical, administrative, event, communication and organisational coordination costs, including PR campaigning and outreach activities.

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Primary sustainable development goal
Reduced inequality

What is this project all about?

The RAHM LGBTIQ+ Leadership Contest is an annual 3 day event for future LGBTIQ+ leaders and their allies and it is for FREE! It is a highly interactive event of innovative leadership with challenges and simulations, the RAHM Leadership Contest promotes extensive strategic networking rounds, inspiring leadership talks, incredible prizes to win, and much more. Everyone can apply. The application process is a 3 step verification process to ensurer only the best take part in a safe space.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The RAHM Community was created in 2017 and always revolved around connecting, inspiring, and supporting the present and future generation of LGBTIQ+ leaders. Members have access to an exceptional networking platform, professional events, and an exciting opportunities board (all of which is completely free of charge). Our events bring LGBTIQ+ leaders together to collaborate, discuss hot topics and learn from one another. One of our RAHM signature events is the RAHM Leadership Contest.
Our goal is to raise enough funds so we can host the next RAHM Leadership Contest in Berlin 2023. The project is for everyone identifying as LGBTIQ+ or an ally.

Why would you support this project?

1. You help develop a more equal, empowered and diverse reality;
2. Participating companies can increase their ROIs;
3. You create employment opportunities and personal/professional development for the LGBTIQ+ community members and allies;
4. You will receive benefits too!
You are contributing to the betterment of the world.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

All the money raised will be used for the planning and implementation of the Contest. This includes all the administrative, logistical and communication support.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are a group of diverse people and all have different backgrounds.

Stuart is German/Scottish and our CEO who takes care of business. He put LGBTIQ+ diversity and inclusion on the agenda of Germany's top companies and has been changing the dialogue ever since. Stuart likes electro-jungle/acid punk house/deep hip-hop/ethno-jive and wishes he was a DJ.
Project Lead is Peter who is Australian and Hungarian. Peter enjoys bringing together people for a common good and changing society. He secretly wishes to become a backstage dancer at Eurovision Song Contest.
Emilija is the Project Manager. This Balkan powerhouse aspires to support each community and empower them to the next level. When not beating out a lyric, she is busy looking at the numbers.
Ata is our Turkish delight who manages the Diversity and Inclusion portfolio. Ata likes to keep things real in the team. Ata also aspires to become a backstage Eurovision dancer.
German Anna-Maria is our Head of Creativity and Design. Anna-Maria is keen on developing the youth in our projects, and is secretly testing and creating new portable multi-functional cocktails.
Moritz is our Events guru who throws together our events with a passion. This master of disaster has dreams of becoming a premium coiffeur working for only the big stars with VIP names.
Reniel is our American/Dominican Republican who sits in the USA. He manages our international outreach in English and Spanish. When not working, Reniel runs workshops on "How to make your own party pinata for under 10 dollars and still have fun".

The RAHM Community & brand are properties of the UHLALA Group®.
UHLALA Group []
RAHM team []


What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Reduced inequality

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the [.] inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
10.3 Ensure equal opportunity [.] including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices [.]
4.5 By 2030 (.) ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for [.] children in vulnerable situations
4.7 By 2030 […] ensure [.] education for [] human rights [&] promotion of a culture of peace

This project also pays toward those goals




Talk Global — Act Local
At the global annual LGBTIQ+ diversity conference #UNPINKED, we offer role models and experts from around the world a stage to share their knowledge around the topic of LGBTIQ+ diversity.

Pride Office Day

Am 11.10.2022 feiern wir mit euch den ersten PRIDE OFFICE DAY. Der Tag steht ganz der Sichtbarkeit eurer LGBTIQ+ Mitarbeitenden und Allies.Das Datum ist ganz bewusst gewählt: So fallen der PRIDE OFFICE DAY® und der Coming-Out-Day zusammen.

Unicorns In Tech

a global LGBTIQ+ tech community that brings together tech talents, companies, and organisations working towards a diverse and inclusive corporate culture. Since its inception in 2014 in Berlin, our 4000+ member network continues to rapidly.

Legal notice
Stuart Bruce Cameron
Wichertstraße 9A
10439 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE286113014

Verantwortlich für die Inhalte
Uhlala GmbH
Wichertstr. 9A, 10439 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0) 30-2000-560-90
Ust-IdNr.: DE286113014
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 145583 B
Geschäftsführer: Stuart Bruce Cameron

Fullhouse IT-Services AG
Daimlerweg 5, 82538 Geretsried
Telefon: +49 8171 4288 880

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Treten Sie mit uns in Kontakt
Sie interessieren sich für unsere Arbeit und unsere Services im Bereich LGBTIQ+ Diversity Management?
Wir freuen uns, von Ihnen zu hören!
Monday – Friday: 9 – 17 Uhr
+49 (0) 30-2000-560-90
Wichertstraße 9A, 10439 Berlin

RAHM: The Global LGBTIQ+ Future Leaders Contest, Berlin 2023
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