Crowdfunding since 2010
Global Type hosts the world's largest collection of historical typefaces, both by name and pictures. The project is about type history in general, worldwide.
Funding period
8/16/13 - 8/31/13
Minimum amount (Start level): €
2,200 €
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What is this project all about?

Global Type exists since 2003, when the project founder published a 25 page document at the website. We need a new web design and CSS and an interface to expand the collection and for corrections.

The database needs to get normalized.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Target groups are graphic designers, type creators, typographers as well as students and everyone interested in the history and present time of typography.

Why would you support this project?

We need more performance for our media-rich database. A higher user-friendlyness of the website and a more nice skin would make sense. And - last but not least - our typeface collection should be expandable.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

That's our plan what we will do with the money::

1. All-new web design | menues for expanding and correcting the typeface collection | 720,– €*
2. Money for the designer to pay for the work she has already done | 500,– €*
3. Normalization of the database (technically necessary) | 800,– €*
4. Merchandising | 180,– €

* ≈ same amount in US-$

Who are the people behind the project?

Lars Kähler, a private person, typesetter, printing engineer, lecturer and nowadays pensioner. Some members of the ATypI as well as some friends from the (German spoken) discussion group "".

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