Crowdfunding since 2010

Ukrainian soldiers from a medical company for the rescue of wounded soldiers near Lyman need an all-terrain vehicle. Help save lives.

After our three successful crowdfundings in May & Nov 22 and March 23, we now want to bring a fourth car to Ukraine. This time it is explicitly about a vehicle for the first rescue of wounded soldiers. Especially in view of the ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive the need is (unfortunately) very great. With your contribution you literally save lives. The car is needed by an evacuation unit near Lyman. You can learn more about the unit in our interview.
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Funding period
6/26/23 - 7/15/23
July 2023
Minimum amount (Start level): 6,000 €

Buying an SUV, registration, fuel to Ukraine, nightscope, return trip.

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Primary sustainable development goal

Interview mit dem Kommandeur Dmytro | Interview with commander Dmytro

Konstantin Sokolov
Konstantin Sokolov1 min Lesezeit

Als wir Dymtro am Ende fragen, womit wir sie - außer des Fahrzeugs - unterstützen könnten, sagt er:

Sie können helfen, indem Sie die Menschen nicht vergessen lassen, dass wir uns im Krieg befinden. Der Krieg dauert an und ist zerstörerisch. Wenn wir, die Streitkräfte der Ukraine und andere Einheiten, uns nicht behaupten, wird es ein Land wie die Ukraine nicht mehr geben.

Das komplette Interview seht ihr im Video. Es hat Deutsche, Englische und Russiche Untertitel.

When we ask Dymtro at the end what we could support them with - besides the vehicle - he says:

You can help by not letting people forget that we are at war. The war is ongoing and destructive. If we don't stand our ground, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other units, there won't be a country like Ukraine."

You can see the full interview in the video. It has German, English and Russian subtitles.

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Vehicle for Rescue of Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers
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