Crowdfunding since 2010

Ukrainian soldiers from a medical company for the rescue of wounded soldiers near Lyman need an all-terrain vehicle. Help save lives.

After our three successful crowdfundings in May & Nov 22 and March 23, we now want to bring a fourth car to Ukraine. This time it is explicitly about a vehicle for the first rescue of wounded soldiers. Especially in view of the ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive the need is (unfortunately) very great. With your contribution you literally save lives. The car is needed by an evacuation unit near Lyman. You can learn more about the unit in our interview.
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Funding period
6/26/23 - 7/15/23
July 2023
Minimum amount (Start level): 6,000 €

Buying an SUV, registration, fuel to Ukraine, nightscope, return trip.

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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

With the blowing up of the Kakhovka dam, Russia's terrorist and inhuman regime has reached a new level of escalation. It is clear: the killing and destruction can only be stopped by a Ukrainian victory.

We would like to help an evacuation unit for wounded. More details about the commander Dmytro can be found in our interview: "Don't let people forget that we are at war".

The long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive to liberate its own territory is underway. There are many reports of tanks being destroyed. But it is especially demanding much blood and will demand much more. Every life counts. In particular, the immediate period after a wounding is critical. A quick evacuation from the so-called zero line (place of immediate fighting) increases the chances of survival immensely.

In contrast to the last three crowdfundings (May 22, November 22 und March 23), which were about vehicles more for military purposes, we would like to explicitly support a first-rescue unit in this critical phase, whose goal is exclusively to save lives

It is about the guys and gals from the evacuation unit of a medical company of the 1st Independent "Ivan Bohun" Brigade of the Special Forces.

You can learn more about the brigade here:

How will the car get to Ukraine?

Like the last times, we will buy the car in Germany and hand it over personally near the front in Ukraine. This time we will drive together with Ralf.

Which model should it be?

We are not talking about a classic ambulance vehicle. Those cars are often too heavy to drive up to the front lines. Light transporters such as the VW T4 or T5, are best suited for such first rescues.

Diesel and all-wheel drive are a must.

In addition, such first responder vehicles absolutely need night vision. For security reasons, evacuations are almost only possible at night. This reduces the danger of being fired upon.

How can I be sure that my money will find its intended purpose?

We will document every step: Donation proceeds, purchases (with invoices), transport, deployment, etc.

We have also been helping since the first days of the war (with and without crowdfunding) and documented our projects on and

How else can I help?

Please share this appeal for donations with your friends, acquaintances and colleagues in messengers and social networks.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

There is not much to say about this: we want to help the Ukrainian people, and we want to do it with concrete actions! We want to save as many lives as possible.

Why would you support this project?

The math is simple: the more first responder vehicles there are, the more lives are saved.

Your support helps to protect human destinies and elementary rights like life and health.

The destruction of the Kachovka dam by the aggressor is only the current sad low point in a never-ending series of war crimes. It is obvious: every human life counts! We must support the defenders of Ukraine and the values of the Western world.

Maybe some of you have already donated to Ukraine. Maybe even several times. We and especially the Ukrainians thank you for that!

One reason for all previous crowdfunding, and also for this one, is always to offer people the opportunity to directly participate in a concrete project with concrete people with their donation. You will see from the beginning to the end what happens with your money and how the donated vehicle will be used later.

Everyone can help directly. With all the suffering that is happening right now, this thought instils confidence and drive.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We will finance and carry out the following ourselves:

  • The purchase of the vehicle
  • Minor expenses for interim registration: short-term registration plates, export registration.
  • Purchase of a night vision device (~200€)
  • Fuel to the handover point in Ukraine
  • Bus ride back to Germany
  • If there will be money left over, we will use it to buy further needed goods. We receive constantly updated overviews of what is urgently needed on site, e.g. technical equipment, medicines and humanitarian aid.

If overnight accommodation is needed, we will pay for it out of our own pockets.

By the way: Your pledged money will only be collected if the project reaches the target amount.

Who are the people behind the project?

Hi, my name is Konstantin and I will be driving the car to Ukraine together with Ralf. You can find more information about us below. At this point, I would like to mention that this time the crowdfunding takes place in cooperation with KIYV DEFENDERS - a non-profit organization that has existed since 2014 and already supported the protesters during the Euromaidan.

I met the guys and girls personally in Kyiv in June. At the handover of the generators, which we brought to the vicinity of Bachmut with the help of the van from the last crowdfunding , we decided to do the next car project together. And here it is :)

By the way, Kiyv Defenders were responsible for choosing the unit that will get the car.


I'm 37 years old and a graduate engineer in technical computer science. Professionally I am co-founder and CTO of a startup in the IT sector. I live in Düsseldorf and have two children. In my free time I jog and love to go to the mountains.

I was born in Ukraine, but have been living in Germany for almost 30 years. The most important thing for me at the moment is to help Ukraine.


And I'm Ralf, 49 years young, I have two half-Ukrainian kids and I am proceeding with exciting purchasing projects for a large construction machinery dealer. I live in the district of Miltenberg in Germany and I am currently hosting refugees.

Before the war I was often in Ukraine, a great country with many beautiful places. During the war, I have been there with three aid transports so far. Let us do the fourth one ?


But of course we are not alone. "We" - these are ordinary people: Family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues. People who do not look away.

Among family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues, and through crowdfunding, we have collected donations well over €60,000 since the beginning of the war (not including donations in kind), which have financed the following, among other things:

  • 3 cars
  • large eletric power generators (+ further smaller ones)
  • 3 DJI Mavic 3 drones
  • 1 DJI Mini drone
  • 2 Powerbanks
  • 1 riflescope
  • 2 thermal imaging cameras
  • 2 combat helmets
  • 2 3D printers
  • winter jackets and wet weather protection for soldiers
  • complete equipment for a volunteer medic
  • sleeping equipment
  • medication
  • firefighting equipment
  • first aid kits / IFAK's
  • clothing

For more info please visit,,


What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

"Hauptsache kein Krieg“ ist ein Leitspruch älterer Generationen. Seit Jahrzehnten durfte sich die europäische Gesellschaft in Sicherheit wiegen. Jetzt herrscht Krieg. Die Sehnsucht nach Frieden ist groß.
Wir erfahren schmerzhaft, dass die Wiedererlangung des Friedens Kampf erfordert. Diesen trägt die Ukraine für uns alle aus. Dieses Projekt unterstützt die Ukraine in ihrem Kampf um Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und grundlegende Menschenrechte wie Freiheit, Leben und Gesundheit.

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Vehicle for Rescue of Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers
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