Crowdfunding since 2010

Ukrainian soldiers from a medical company for the rescue of wounded soldiers near Lyman need an all-terrain vehicle. Help save lives.

After our three successful crowdfundings in May & Nov 22 and March 23, we now want to bring a fourth car to Ukraine. This time it is explicitly about a vehicle for the first rescue of wounded soldiers. Especially in view of the ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive the need is (unfortunately) very great. With your contribution you literally save lives. The car is needed by an evacuation unit near Lyman. You can learn more about the unit in our interview.
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Funding period
6/26/23 - 7/15/23
July 2023
Minimum amount (Start level): 6,000 €

Buying an SUV, registration, fuel to Ukraine, nightscope, return trip.

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Primary sustainable development goal

Zwei weitere Autos für die Ukraine | Two more cars for Ukraine

Konstantin Sokolov
Konstantin Sokolov2 min Lesezeit

DE (English version see below)

Wir fahren die nächsten Touren bereits am 19. Mai und am 29. Mai. Wir werden erneut zwei Autos für die Erstrettung in die Ukraine bringen. Sie werden bei Donezk und Cherson gebraucht. Die erste Tour fahren Ralf und ich, die zweite fährt Alex zusammen mit Petra, für die es die erste Ukraine Fahrt im Leben ist. Sie gehört aber seit dem ersten Crowdfunding zu unseren stetigen Unterstützerinnen.

Das neue Crowdfunding läuft bereits: Rettungsfahrzeuge für ukrainische Soldaten #3: Eine direkte Spende an den Verein ist auch möglich:

Ukraine Helfer
IBAN: DE10500240247254681801
PayPal: [email protected]

In beiden Fällen gibt es, wie auch beim letzten Mal, eine Spendenquittung.

Wir freuen uns sehr, wenn Ihr wieder dabei seid.
Vielen Dank und Slava Ukraini!

Our next tours are already scheduled for May 19 and May 29. We will again be taking two cars for the first rescue to Ukraine. They are needed near Donetsk and Kherson. Ralf and I will drive the first tour, Alex will drive the second together with Petra, for whom this is the first trip to Ukraine in her life. However, she has been one of our constant supporters since the first crowdfunding.
The new crowdfunding is already underway: Rescue vehicles for Ukrainian soldiers #3: A direct donation to the association is also possible:

Ukraine Helfer
IBAN: DE10500240247254681801
PayPal: [email protected]

In both cases, as last time, you will receive a donation receipt.

We would be delighted if you could join us again.
Thank you very much and Slava Ukraini!

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Vehicle for Rescue of Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers
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