Crowdfunding since 2010

A festival as a platform for exchange, empowerment, education and networking.

The Routesetting Symposium is a festival for routesetting that provides further education, training, idea development, empowerment and networking for routesetters and those interested in the profession. Furthermore, the Routesetting Symposium stands for the visibility of FINTA* people in the emerging profession of routesetting, the removal of barriers, the overcoming of historically grown forms of discrimination and fair and equal pay.
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Funding period
12/20/21 - 1/31/22
end of march 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 1,000 €

For the financing of the entire event and thus to all speakers/workshop leaders, co-organizers, hall rental, materials + extras. Final funding goal 50.000€.

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What is this project all about?

The Routesetting Symposium is Germany's first and the world's only profession-specific festival for routesetting*, aiming to serve the growth and professionalization of the field. It also provides a platform for further education, training, idea development and networking for routesetters and those interested in the profession.

The festival in march 2022 invites all FINTA* aligned people who set routes professionally or semi-professionally, as well as those (simply) interested in routesetting.

Our goal is to one day be able to host a Routesetting Symposium that invites all interested parties - without exception - to acquire and share knowledge of the profession. However, structural changes are still required before this can be done, and it will take time to lay the groundworks to make this happen.

* Explanation:

  • The routes are the basis of every bouldering or climbing gym. They therefore have an undeniable economic value to the gym owners, as the bouldering or climbing routes are continuously redesigned and set on the wall.
  • FINTA* stands for Women, Inter People, Nonbinary People, Trans People, and Agender People.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Among other things, the symposium actively promotes…

  • Equality;
  • Workplace conditions that take bio- and psychosocial health aspects into account. This should be achieved primarily throughwidely available training, workshops and further education for routesetters and gym owners;
  • Recognition of the work done by routesetters through payment of a living wage*, which is based on performance, not on discriminating factors, e.g. gender identity. (*living wage = covers the costs of living and allows to put savings aside for emergency situations);
  • The abolition of established stereotypes;
  • Increase of the visibility and participation of all FINTA* aligned individuals,
  • encouraging people who were previously excluded because of their identity to pursue routesetting as a profession;
  • advancement of routesetting as a profession.

Our goal is to collectively transform this fledgling profession to meet the demands of an inclusive, rather than discriminatory society.

Why would you support this project?

By means of the symposium, our social media presence and the associated high-profile debates, we are fundamentally contributing to strengthening the routesetting community and are able to shape the development of the profession.

This is what makes the Routesetting Symposium a trailblazer in the field!

With your help, we want to counter grievances and discriminations in this young profession - before they ingrain themselves into the foundational structures.

Our appeal is directed equally at....

  • business leaders in the climbing industry
  • private supporters
  • associations dedicated to climbing and bouldering
  • local and federal politics

The indoor climbing business is built upon routesetters: it needs their expertise, creativity and physical strength to carry out this physically demanding work.

Together we can give them the (monetary as well as social) recognition they deserve.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Currently we are moving heaven and earth to acquire the funding needed to make this symposium happen. Unfortunately, we have not hit the jackpot yet - it seems that on the one hand we are too much of a niche project, and in other ways, not enough niche to warrant state funding.

We are therefore incredibly grateful to any and all support you can give to help us get this symposium off the ground!

With approximately ...

  • 4.800 € → we can pay all workshop leaders and speakers
  • 15.000€ → we can pay for the entire 3-day symposium (people involved, material resources, and gym rental).
  • with additional 23.000€ → we can pay all co-organizers and teams (social media + press, design, funding, project coordination, editing, translation, program) So far, our entire organizing team has worked as unpaid volunteers.

As you can see in our calculation, we need circa 50.000€ for planning phase of the event (duration: one year) and the event itself (3-days), in order to pay all parties involved: co-organizers, small intermediate events, people involved in the 3-day festival for their work, as well as material resources, gym rent and fees.

Who are the people behind the project?

We have a team of 15 highly motivated FINTA* people working on the project - because they believe in what the Symposium stands for. We’re from all over Germany and are partly active as routesetters* ourselves.

Together we can make routesetting the sustainable, and diverse profession we know it can become.

Trailer 2019:

Tickets for the Routesetting Symposium 2022 (at KOSMOS in Leipzig, Germany) can be purchased on our website from February 2022. They are not part of the crowdfunding.

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Pöge Haus e.V.
Samanta Gorzelniak
Hedwig Straße 20
04315 Leipzig Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: 232/141/09107


Pöge Haus e.V.

Der Pöge Haus e.V. ist unser offizieller Trägerverein und unterstützt uns tatkräftig in allen Belangen. Wir sind ihnen unendlich Dankbar!
The Pöge Haus e.V. is our official sponsoring association and supports us energetically in all matters. Thx!

Tapir Leipzig

Wir danken dem Tapir Leipzig für das Sponsoring des Routesetting Symposium 2022. You Rock!
We'd like to thank Tapir Leipzig for sponsoring the Routesetting Symposium 2022. You Rock!

Gleichstellungsbüro Stadt Leipzig

Wir Danken dem Gleichstellungsbüro der Stadt Leipzig für seine Unterstützung des Projektes in Form von finanzieller Förderung.


Wir Danken Kletterkurltur - Service für Kletter- und Boulderhallen für ihren Support in Form von Griffsponsoring für unseren Routenbauwettkampf.


Wir Danken Organic - Climbing USA für ihren Support. Danke für die nicen Routenbauerinnen-Gürtel.


Wir Danken Goodgrip für ihren Support in Form der Zusendung von Routenbaumaterial für die Routenbauworkshops. Außerdem danken wir ihnen für die Zusendung von Sachpreisen.

Routesetting Symposium 2022
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