Crowdfunding since 2010
I`m almost finished with my second album and now I need your help for the final steps!
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Funding period
7/3/14 - 8/10/14
June through end of July
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
4,000 €
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What is this project all about?

This project is about collecting the money that's missing to be able to release my second album.
The music is pretty much done. Now we need to make sure we have enough cash to press it and to pay for the artwork, GEMA mastering and pressing, so that we can get this music out there to you and everyone who enjoys it.
Once we are able to release it, we will be able to share our music with you and many more people! And that's my goal. Spread the music. Share what we love. Spread love.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

This project is for everyone who loves good music.

The goal is to reach as many people as possible. And once that goal is reached and the album is released, of course I want to tour and play live shows for my fans.

What exactly do we need to reach this goal?
Here are the numbers:

Artwork 800,-
Pressing 1400,-
Gema 800,-
Mastering 1000,-

Sounds like a lot, but actually it's not that much.
If you check it, you'll see, it only takes 200 people to buy a package of each 20,00€ and tadaaa - we got it! A big number becomes many small numbers. It's possible with your support
In return for your support we have loads of goodies for you:
Downloads, signed Albums, exclusive EPs, t-shirts, livingroom concerts, etc.
You pick what you like most!

Why would you support this project?

Music is for everyone ! For entertainment, for special moments, to recharge when you're feeling low or simply to relax. Music makes every moment a better moment.

And that is exactly why I'm asking you to help me to support this project.
Support a young artist who puts time, effort and loads of energy into creating good music and better moments for you.

Of course I do music because I love it, but one cannot forget that it's still hard work. And hard work needs to pay off at some point. At least at some point..

It's certainly not just all fun and vibes. Most people don't know how much time it takes to write a song, compose the music, think of the right lyrics, create an auditorial picture and bring it to perfection, organize, manage, do booking and promotion... there's so much to it.
We're putting in that effort to create something good for your listening pleasure. I invite you to come into my world of music and join the team.

You play a very important role in all of this. Because without your interest in my music, I'm nothing. You are the one who let me exist as an artist.
(and right here I want to say Thank you! I highly appreciate your support in each and every way)

We are doing all this on an independent level here. And we love to make good music. Not follow the herd and create shit. We have high standards, because we want what's best for our listeners. So you see, there's no major label pushing this. There's us hustling and putting in tons of hard work and that's why we need YOU to help us.

TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK! Join our team, be a part of it.

In the end it's all about spreading love. I do that through music. Help me spread it.
Let's do this together. Please make sure to share this message with your friends, so that they can share it with their friends, and they can share it with theirs and so on and so on. It's really important to get this out to as many people as possible. Together we can make this work.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

If we reach the goal and are able to collect the missing amount of money (or more), we will be able to pay for the artwork, pressing, CDs, pay the GEMA fee and the mastering of the album.

With your help I'll be able to release my second album on October 17, 2014.

(In case of overfunding we will make more music videos - just for you !
And if we get a lot more money than we thought? Then we might even be able to go on a world tour and play in your country -woop woop!)

Who are the people behind the project?

The main people behind this project are me, myself and I, Sara Lugo , and my producer, Umberto Echo.
With a hand full of musicians we are putting together the new album at this very moment.
By preordering anyone of the packages we put together for you, YOU can become a part of this project, too.

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8/11/14 - WE DID IT ! I want to send a big THANK YOU to...

I want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who supported me on the Startnext crowd funding project. Thank you to everyone who, shared the link, video, posts.., thank you to everyone who spread the word, and thank you to everyone who preordered the album or one of the packages and put money to the project. Thank you to everyone who helped behind the scenes. And Thank you to the artists who took the time to make videos and shouts to their fans to support the thing.


8/7/14 - 3 daaaaaays!

3 daaaaaays!

7/8/14 - Hello everyone! I want to say, I am really...

Hello everyone!
I want to say, I am really happy to see so many people have supported me in these first days already!

I really believe this can work, and I want to thank each one of you for your time and support.
It's a good feeling to know you have so many ppl behind you and you're not doing it alone. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Thank you all for the strength :)

Please continue to spread the word and share the link with your friends and followers

Have a blessed week!

Sara Lugo 2. Album Crowd Funding
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