Crowdfunding since 2010

My new acoustic folk Lullaby-Album for Grownups (& kids)

During covid, several people told me – and I experienced it myself, too – that they had more and more of a problem to find a good nights sleep: The world is getting louder, crazier and more demanding every year, it seems. When we grow up, it gets more difficult to put aside all the thoughts and worries of the day, when we try to find some nightly rest. Meditational music, whale singing and children’s lullabies are not for everyone, though. ;) My album „Day is Done“ wants to give you a folky alt
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Funding period
5/24/24 - 7/5/24
autumn/winter 2024
Funding goal: 3,000 €

Mit diesem Betrag sind die Restkosten meines Albums abgedeckt.
Alles darüber hinaus kann in Promo oder aber in Musikvideos fließen.

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What is this project all about?

I want to record and produce a whole album of lullabies – a small number of actual CDs, but also the digital version, of course. It is going to contain 11 songs in german and english. Most of the recordings are done, thanks to an artist funding I received from the „Bayerische Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst“ as part of their scolarship-program „Junge Kunst und neue Wege" and the support of my amazing patreon community.
The songlist:
- Ade zur guten Nacht ('Goodbye and good night' - Trad)
- Cariad (Cover)
- Day is Done (Original)
- Dat du min Leevsten büst (Trad)
- Little Bird (Cover)
- Mütterchen Mond ('Mother moon', Original)
- Old man Ocean (Original)
- Schließ den Kreis ('Close the Circle', Cover)
- Wild Child Lullaby (Original)
- Windliedchen ('Sindsong', Original)
- Winterreigen ('Winterdance', Original)

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The album is for people who love folky, acoustic and calming sleeping, evening- and nature themed songs to listen to before bedtime or on other occations. The CD is also fitting for children, but they are not the listeners I wrote the songs specifically for: There are many lullabies out there for tour dear little ones – I wanted to create an album that is more mature in music and artwork. I wrote a lot of songs myself, set some texts to music that already existed and also incorporated a handfull of coversongs and traditional folksongs.

Music wise, I stayed true to what I know: lyrical folk songs, acoustic singer-songwriter music on guitars, but also on piano, low-whistle, cello, nyckelharpa, harp etc. and – like on my former CD-projects - I’ve again put focus on beautiful vocal aharmony-arrangements.

Why would you support this project?

Support this project if you like my music (or ballads by PurPur and Heiter bis Folkig) or love listening to soothing songs before or while going to sleep; or if you’d like to have more music to choose from when putting your kids to bed. This crowdfunding basically is a way to pre-order this album. In one part, this CD has been made possible due to an artist-scolarship and the support of my lovely patreon-family. The second part of the needed budget for finalizing the recordings and producing the album hopefully will be funded here, on startnext, with your support!

Additionally, I’m using this crowdfunding to cofund another sideproject I’ve had in mind for some time: a digital Lux-Unita-Song-EP (lovely larp-group

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money collected in this crowdfunding will be used to pay for the rest oft he recordings and some more of the guests I invited to join me on this album: Sibylle Frizz on cello, my sister Judith of PurPur on vocals, Martin Schroer aka d20sounds for one song on guitar & additional programming and Björn and Regina of the folkduo Fior on Nyckelharpas /DADGAD are already on board, but Sebastian Barwinek (Hoodie Crows) is also going to join me for two songs on his Irish Bouzouki, my bandmate Maria is going to play the harp for one song and Daniela Festi (Sagensang) will add some flutes. Oh, plus the actual production of the album as a CD, of course.

Should the crowdfunding be even more successful than expected and I have some extra money to spend, I’d love to shoot one or two music videos to add some extra eyecandy to my songs and help promote the album even further.

Who are the people behind the project?

Hello, it’s me – Tini, a 38 year old singer and songwriter based in franconia, germany. I’m part oft he medieaval folk bands PurPur and Heiter bis Folkig, but I also have recorded one soloalbum called „Gesungene Geschichten“ (song stories – also crowdfunded via Startnext). In whole, I’ve (co-)written and produced ten albums by now. My lullaby-CD „Day is Done“ is going to be the eleventh!

I love making fantasy-folk music, but I’m also deeply rooted in the irish/celtic and german folk tradition: Starting with early childhood, I grew up with german traditional songs and choir pieces and my first big music-crush were female singer songwriters like Jewel and Tori Amos or the soothing folk-ballads of Cara Dillon, Loreena McKennitt and alike. By now, I consider myself a „modern bard“. All these influences I’ve brought into this album.

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Lullaby Album - "Day is Done"
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