Crowdfunding since 2010

SDW is a screenprint open studio, that in winter will have a new home!

Help us sustain SDW as a place for art, culture and community in Berlin! After 11 years of open studio and neighbourhood dedication on Pflügerstraße in Berlin Neukölln, we will be moving to TABORSTRAßE 3. It’s time to build this project on new and lasting grounds. In order to continue providing the open screenprinting studio and developing new neighbourly projects as the honorary collective that we are, we have to relocate and build SDW up again – and for this we need your help!
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Funding period
11/8/17 - 12/10/17
november till january
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,650 €
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What is this project all about?

Our open screen printing studio (SDW Neukölln) is a place of accessable low-threshold print production realized through an open infrastructure focused on art, culture, and an active work ethic. It is a home for mutual learning and artistic expeimentation rooted within the neighbourhood. We are a project that does not bring profit but maximizes opportunity for many and reaches far. As an open studio we are an important element in the local area and as a part of the econimically creative independant small shop structure of north-Neukölln, making SDW a meaningful destination for all screenprint enthusiasts.

Through Projects like RÜTLI-WEAR and the annual neighbourhood and family celebration FETT de la musique, we have offered exhibitions, concerts and an open project space all within our studio. Through happenings like these we aim to enrich the local area humanely and culturally while promoting solidarity and intercultural learning. As a free project venue we want to support projects that would otherwise not get the chance to be realized on their own.

Our rental agreement has now been cancelled and we must leave Reuterkiez after more than 10 years of cultural neighbourhood work. We have large, especially financial, challenges ahead of us that we will not be able to conquer without your help.

The screen print workshop including all of the heavy machines and equipment has found its new home at Taborstrasse 3. The space is in need of a complete all round renovation (such as electrity, lighting, paintingwork, etc) as well as we will need to invest in new machinery and material: we will be needing a new Kärcher and newly strung screens. Our resources are very limited which is why we need your support in order to get SDW up and running again for the next 10 years and beyond!

Projects like the Siebdruckwerkstatt (SDW) set a valubale example. They show the benefits of a cultural and social project and how movements like this make our cities appealing to exist within in the first place. If these important stakeholders [like SDW] get pushed out of their districts, the neighbours might become richer but the neighbourhood will not.

Rose Epple, co-curator of exhibition "We-Traders. Swapping Crisis for City", Goethe-Institut (2013 - 2015)Berlin, march, 2017

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

SDW Neukölln stands for soildary and togetherness, social empathy and the dissemination and exchange of experience and know-how between people making art,forming culture, and screen printing enthusiasts. To secure these values for the future we want to

• maintain the popular and well-known open screen printing studio

• continue realizing projects with children and teenagers

• provide a potential exhibition space for people creating art

• enrich the new neighbourhood positively through our commitment and values

• offer more group workshops

Children and teachers, students, artists, creatives, doers, neighbours, men and women of all ages and educational backgrounds have been visiting us now for more than 10 years. With us, everyone is welcome to enter a new world of Do-it-yourself and creative experience. Wether young or old, wherever you are from, we are open to everybody wanting to try screen printing or looking for a space to develop creatively.

Why would you support this project?

We need your help in order to be able to realize all of the goals mentioned and much more in the future. Please support us if you
• already know our studio and value the possibility to continue working with us
• are for maintaining a place that lives for neighbourhood culture and a cooperative way of work
• want to maintain a space for creative exercise that is open and accessable for everyone and not only fulfills an artistic but also a social mission
• think that arts and crafts should have a chance in Berlin
• think that what Berlin has to offer, especially Neukölln, should remain colourful and eclectic
• want to maintain a project space that gives the possibility for other initiatives and projects to grow

Do you also think that SDW stands for neighbourly commitment and work within the neighbourhood, a solidary togetherness, workshops with children and teenagers, passing on knowledge, free help, and guidance with projects needs to be maintained? Then support us with your donation! Help SDW to move!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We need your help firstly to execute the removal of the studio and all of the heavy machinery and tools, to do this we have to rent a LKW for several days.
Once we’ve moved all the heavy items to our new refuge – Taborstrasse 3, a space with a lot of potential and a long-term perspective – the work is only about to start as we will have to do up the entire place. We will have to install electricity, lighting & lamps, take down a wall, connect running water and replace part of the aged, rundown equipment. We have confidence in our ability to make this happen, we already did it once before in a similar way, but never to this extent. But with professional help from friends, our new landlord, team spirit, and of course, with your financial support we will be able to accomplish this!

5’650 Euros will make the move possible, allow our project to be continued and form a solid new base for the SDW Neukoelln. We will be able to
1. cover part of the large deposit
2. install the essential water pipes and connect the electricity
3. take down a wall and put a fantastic lighting system in place in order to ensure the best possible for our printing and gallery space.

9’650 Euros will allow us to invest in even more up to date equipment, spruce up our interior furnishing and to set up a vast stock of colours for our costumers. This would be wonderful!

It would be incredible to reach the final goal (or more ;-)) of 11’600. With this sum, we would be able to cover all of the hidden costs of the campaign and to leave us with the maximum amount we would need for the move and the construction works.

Who are the people behind the project?

The SDW Neukölln consists of a group of 12 people and a larger circle of friends and users. In the past organized as company, the SDW will run in future by our RÜTLI-WEAR e.V. (association), to create a more sustainable work flow.

We are artists, illustrators and also one or two social scientists are involved. But we all share the same screen printing enthusiasm! Out of seven countries and a age span of over 40 years, from the youngest to the oldest, we’re a international and colourful group!


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Tom Hansing
Reuterstraße 31
12047 Berlin Berlin Deutschland

Telefonischer Kontakt: Tom Hansing 01797752677

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