By reaching the first funding goal, we have enough money to start the first production.
Upcycling Marine Plastic
Slow Fashion
Made in Barcelona
Trimmings, Packaging & Shipping
Transparency & Honesty
An important factor on the road to sustainability is transparency and sincere communication. That's why we have tried to put together as much information as possible for you on our website.
Have a look around, get to know us and get to know SEASICK SWIM.
Our goal is textile-to-textile recycling to close the textile loop. We want to make swimwear more sustainable than ever.
We connect with everyone that loves the ocean as much as we do.
If you resonate with these values, become part of the SEASICK CREW and support us on our mission.
We want to make the fashion world a better place. To do this, we need your support.
We are a small label in its early stages that aims to be an alternative to fast fashion. Our goal is to develop swimwear that does contribute less to the exploitation of our planet.
After 1.5 years of development, we are finally ready to start production of our first collection.
We not only want to offer high-quality sustainable products, but we also want to inform, educate, and actively contribute to the protection of the environment.
If you share our values and want to support a mother-daughter team in taking this next step, then let's create a swimwear revolution together.
"If you don't become the ocean, you'll feel SEASICK everyday" - Leonard Cohen
As soon as the crowdfunding is successfully finished up, we can start the production of the first collection.
We have already completed all the styles and fits and the fabrics are in our warehouse.
With the funds raised, we will be able to finance the final steps of the collection:
Our manufacturer is based in Barcelona, so we are in the position to have short production and delivery times.
Hello everyone!
I'm Inga and I'm the founder of SEASICK SWIM. With the support of my mother, I have been working on bringing this label to life for the past 1.5 years.
And when I look at things closely, it also brings me full circle.
Since my early childhood, I have had a deep connection to the element of water. I started synchronized swimming at the age of 7 and would describe the sport and the element of water as my first great love.
At the age of 10, I was allowed to swim my first solo routine at a competition for which I needed a special bathing suit. Together with my mother, I designed and tailored my first bathing suit at that time.
My mother Marina is a professional dressmaker and has run a tailoring business herself for many years and we have worked on many individual projects together.
The creative freedom in all these projects and the collaboration with my mother strongly influenced my later educational, academic as well as professional decisions.
I worked in the fashion industry for 5 years and quickly realized that the conventional system not only limits my creative freedom, but also contradicts my personal values of sustainability and a fulfilled life.
To find out where my journey would take me, I ended up backpacking by myself for 10 months through Southeast Asia and Australia, and then lived in Melbourne.
During this time, I became a passionate diver, which brought me closer to the element of water again. But it also made me realize that our oceans are suffering due to human impact and that plastic pollution is increasing tremendously.
SEASICK SWIM is a project of my heart with which I hope to set new standards in the fashion industry and actively contribute to the protection of our oceans.
Wir versuchen durch Innovation neue Wege zu beschreiten und damit eine bessere Modeindustrie für Morgen zu schaffen. Unsere Produkte bestehen nicht nur vollständig aus recyceltem Marinekunststoff und Kunststoffabfällen vom Land, sie können im Sinne der Kreislaufwirtschaft auch wieder komplett recycelt werden. Durch den Einsatz von Marineplastik helfen wir aktiv dabei unsere Flüsse, Küsten und Meere von Abfällen zu befreien.
Die Produktion findet ausschließlich im Großraum Barcelona statt.
Unsere Kampagne läuft noch knapp zwei Wochen und wir haben bisher 4.829 EUR eingesammelt! Vielen lieben Dank für die Unterstützung!
Durch die wirtschaftliche Lage mag es gerade nicht für Jede*n so einfach sein, andere Projekte finanziell zu unterstützen. Von daher haben wir das Startlevel auf 7.500 EUR gesenkt, um trotzdem die erste kleine Auflage SEASICK SWIM stemmen zu können.
Erzählt und teilt unser Projekt gerne weiter damit wir das zusammen schaffen können.
Liebe Grüße
Inga & Marina
Hallo alle zusammen,
wir verlängern unser Crowdfunding bis zum 18.09.2022 und hoffen auf eure weitere Unterstützung.
Viele liebe Grüße
Inga & Marina