Hello, we are Claire and Andreas and we have been running Germany's only Angora workshop for over 5 years. Detailed information and many photos about our project can be found on our website: www.seidenhase.de
With our work, we want to help save this almost forgotten native breed from extinction. For us, animal welfare is of utmost importance. Our bunnies are part of our family and they give their wool voluntarily and gladly.... for this, they are regularly carefully shorn by hand. Just like sheep. From their noble natural fibres - almost as fine as cashmere - we make wonderful yarn for knitters and crocheters.
Our Angora products are guaranteed to come solely from happy german rabbits.
The fluffy treasures are available in our etsy shop (seidenhase) and at selected wool and artisan markets.
Our most important product are two machine-spun yarns made of pure Angora, which are produced once a year in a local spinning mill (the last of its kind).
This wool is exclusively available only with us, we dye all skeins ourselves by hand in small batches in all favorite colours.
Our long-eared employees and their wool have a large worldwide fan community, who fortunately still order through our shop.
With these orders we can keep ourselves currently "above water", also the feed of the bunnies is taken care of.
Our target group are friends of the silk bunny who want to support this unique project and like to continue to knit and crochet with our fluffy wool in the future.
Since all markets were cancelled in the first half of the year and the remaining events are highly at risk, there is a huge financial gap. The revenues of the markets are urgently needed to pay the large annual order of the spinning mill. The raw fibres are already waiting for processing in the spinning mill.
Without this yarn, we would not be able to continue this project of the heart.... we really enjoy spinning, also using the spinning wheel, but unfortunately it is not possible for our manufactory to spin 100 kilos of super fine yarn all by hand.
The pure spinning costs for our yarn add up to approx. 10.000€ per year. We use the contributions of this campaign exclusively to pay this invoice.
Unfortunately we don’t meet the criteria to apply for the government corona aids, and without our annual spinning order the further existence of our workshop is hanging by a thread.
The Angora workshop Seidenhase consists of: Claire, Andreas and 42 Angora rabbits, residing in our own garden.
In addition, we support a small handful of local breeders who keep and treat their animals according to guidelines that fit our concept by purchasing their raw wool.
Unser ursprüngliches Funding-Ziel ist 3 Wochen vor Projekt-Ende bereits erreicht. Wir danken allen Freunden der Häschenwolle von Herzen!
Leider kommt es erstens anders und zweitens als man denkt, daher steht nun ungeplanterweise auch noch ein kompletter Umzug kurz bevor.
Weitere Spenden verwenden wir, um die Gehege für die langohrigen Mitarbeiter im neuen Zuhause neu aufzubauen.