Somewhere in Europe in a big metropolitan city, a man by the name of Shanzo is standing in a port anxiously awaiting a mysterious dock container. A stranger in this metropolitan land he seeks a way out, but is unable to leave. The search for a temporary job lands him in a dramatic and thrilling journey. On a job tip he goes in search of a man known as the Cineaste, who resides in an old cinema. He quickly learns that his future employer is in the business of “cleaning up“. No mafia murder or crime scene clean-up is too messy for the Cineaste’s crew. Shanzo is stuck with Jago as his “mentor“, a manipulative big mouth who pushes everyone’s limit; already in their first clean up job together the sparks fly between them.
Marcio Plata was a professional soccer player who has broken away from his previous life after a car accident. He lives in the poorest district of the city in grim conditions. Although there is nothing physically wrong with his legs, he uses a wheelchair as self-punishment. His attachment to the wheelchair is his punitive protection; it keeps him from facing any responsibility. He meets a young prostitute, Elisa, whose unyielding zest for life for the first time breaks through to him.
Elisa Day lives in her own world. During her breaks she listens to self-recorded cassettes in public bathrooms and takes photography classes on her down time. Elisa is a prostitute, but she sees herself more as a “guardian angel“. She is determined to keep an eye out for Marcio, who she decides to help out, while trying hard not to fall in love with him. She accidentally gets the attention of a killer, when she witnesses a murder.
Shanzo is about three-closely-linked stories of three unusual people.
Enjoy a journey full of wonders and little adventures, whose end is all about the arrival of the dock container.
Shanzo is a big-city Western in the style of Drive or Taxi Driver.
A modern movie with retro elements which may remind the viewer of classic Charles Bronson films.
Shanzo is more than storyline: Through intertextuality and cross-references.
Shanzo is attracting attention through its contrasting colors and music which gets under your skin.
Shanzo is a movie, which smells like popcorn and tastes like ice cold coke.
Shanzo is an aesthetical claim and an ode to our favorite films, it is a love for beautiful pictures, for great cinema, and flavored with a high entertainment value.
We want to produce a feature film, which shows our love towards the Cinema, especially for the movies of the 60's and 70's. Shanzo is a movie which takes us into worlds which are worth experiencing.
In our opinion film should connect people, be a joy for a bigger audience. We want to appeal to all those people who are searching for an amusement far away from the bitter realities commonly found in German cinema. Shanzo is for the people who love to go to the movies, but who do not necessarily know all the James Bond’s or the Visconti’s. It is for the people who want to dream away for 90 minutes or so.
Shanzo is a movie made by us for those who are fed up and had enough of the high-definition scripted reality. For those who still go to the cinema. But also for the people who late at night stream online with headphones watching illegally the latest Hollywood movies, and buy movies they like anyway on DVD or Blu-ray. For those who loved to watch Lord of the Rings a third time, and for those who simply can’t switch the channel when they see Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. For those for whom a film sometimes means more than a pastime. For those who find My Girl cheesy and still weep - for those who can take you into worlds that are worth experiencing.
Support our project if you're longing for a movie that leaves you with a good feeling.
Shanzo will surprise you, offer you some fun and exciting moments and may even make you dream. Help Shanzo turn from the microcosm of our imagination to a “square”. We need you! Join our film production with your hearts open.
Well, we make a movie! All the team members will work for free at first, and your contribution will go directly into the rental of technical equipment. This way, almost everything will be available in order to implement our plan: We have a very good script, the equipment and the people to realize it; we just need the money to make this movie come to life.
Behind this project there is a team of young filmmakers who came together years ago by a shared passion, and who grew together and became a close circle of friends. The core consists of Markus Pajtler, Tony Kopec, Annika Ahrens, Britt Launspach, Martin Rohé, Alexander Aue, Dustin John, Malte Pöhlmann, Philip Bender, Murat Seven, Vlad Chiriac, Jean-Philipe Adabra and Elias Stefanescu.
Philip Bender
Video: Link:
Murat Seven
Video: Link:
Julia Dietze
Video: Link:
Udo Kier
David Gant
Video: Link:
Director: Markus Pajtler
Video: Link:
DoP: Tony Kopec
Video: Link:
Producer: Annika Ahrens
Producer: Martin Rohé
Producer: Britt Launspach
Und nicht vergessen: Ihr seid alle herzlich eingeladen zu unserer Dankeschön-Party! Am FluxBau, Berlin. Kommt vorbei! Kurze Mail an [email protected] und wir setzen euch auf die Gästeliste.Es wird ein spannender Abend!
Die letzten Tage unserer Finanzierungsphase haben begonnen!Ab heute wird Euch täglich ein Teammitglied mit einem persönlichen Foto begrüßen!Den Beginn macht Tinush, unser grandioser Musiker und Komponist.Bitte helft uns, noch das letzte bisschen Geld zusammenzubekommen!Let's rock the Endspurt!!!Viele Grüße & einen schönen TagEuer Team-Shanzo
Liebe Shanzo-Freunde,wir freuen uns sehr Euch mitteilen zu können, dass es ein neues "Special-Dankeschön" gibt!Für 15€ erhaltet Ihr unseren limitierten Startnext-Shanzo-Soundtrack.Check it out!Vielen Dank auch an unsere tollen Musiker Tinush ( und Wolfgang Lohr ( Beste GrüßeEuer Team-Shanzo
Aufgesperrt die Lauscher-Shanzo geht "On Air"Britt und ich (Annika) sind morgen (05.06.) früh von 10-12 in der Sendung von Campus fm zu Gast.Hört doch mal rein
Wir freuen uns sehr bekannt geben zu können, dass "Shanzo" am Unperfekthaus Contest teilnimmt. wir es schaffen im Juni die meisten Neu-Supporter zu gewinnen bekommen wir 500€!Bitte helft uns den Contest zu rock'n, jeder Beitrag ab 1€ zählt!!!Wir danken Euch im VorausEuer Team-Shanzo
Liebe Supporter,schaut doch mal in unserem Blog vorbei.Wir haben für Euch kleine Kennenlern-Videos gedreht.Viel Spaß beim SchauenEuer Team-Shanzo