Crowdfunding since 2010


Crowdfunding successfully finished
1,227 €

SHRED D' ART will make art a viable and attractive source of income for artists

SHRED D' ART will make art a viable and attractive source of income for artists: The funding total will be forwarded to six selected artist of the well perceived SHRED D' ART call for entries. These artist agreed to have their subMehr anzeigen

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Funding period
15.01.18 - 28.02.18
Spring 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 1,200 €
The money is used to pay an artist 1200, - € to participate in SHRED D'ART.
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What is this project all about?

The art market flourishes, but the artists aren‘t part of the boom

1. The amount of artworks grows uncontrolled. However, only a steady minimal share gets sold. Therefore on average the value of a single artpiece declines. Just think of gold: the more is mined the cheaper it gets/the less its worth.

2. From the moment the artists have sold their work, they (creators) stop being part of the financial cycle. Their piece of art turns into an asset with its ownMehr anzeigen

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

SHRED D' ART is fo artworkers/-producers, collectors and art lovers – beyond that everyone is invited to take part who is interested in supporting concepts of fair payment.

Short-term goal of SHRED D' ART is to contribute to the discours of the difficult situation of art production. The numerous submissions to the call for entries reveal that a lot of artists are willing to have one of their works devalued if they receive a sum of money similar to a small mMehr anzeigen

Why would you support this project?

With your contribution you do not only have a say in the height of the actual payment but you do influence the art market, too!

With your help the first art works will be withdrawn from the market that otherwise would be traded without any gain for the artists.

Art is work – and one should receive fair payment for her or his work: With your donation to this campaign you support the fair payment of artists!

The more people get involved in SHRED D' ART by donaMehr anzeigen

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

If this campaign is successfully funded six selected artists will receive 1200,- € each at the SHRED D' ART opening and their submitted works will be devalued.

The SHRED D’ART exhibition will take place at the gallery Schau Fenster in Berlin-Kreuzberg: SCHAU FENSTER gallery in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

A jury of artists & curators will now selected six of the most convincing submissions from the SHRED D’ ART call for entries: (( anzeigen

Who are the people behind the project?

Die Fortunisten
Florian Bielefeldt | painter & illustrator
Andreas Gruner | video & photo artist

part of the system - working on change

Link to our call for artists:


The all-or-nothing crowdfunding was successfully financed and completed 

  • Rewards can no longer be ordered.
  • The collected amount is/was paid out to the project.
  • The amount of each support will be/was collected at the end of the project.
  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves. You will receive updates in the project blog.
  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the project owner‘s terms and conditions.
  • Withdrawals and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.
Legal notice
Die Fortunisten
Florian Bielefeldt
Hobrechtstrasse 59
12047 Berlin Deutschland

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV.

[Florian Bielefeldt | Andreas Gruner]

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