Crowdfunding since 2010

I used the pandemic to learn how to produce my songs from beginning to end and here we are: Help me releasing my music!

FOR GERMAN/FÜR DEUTSCH: | I used the pandemic lockdowns to learn how to fully produce my own songs from start to finish. Now my songs can be released into the world without me having to rent an expensive studio, hire a band or finding a label: Staying independent and fulfilling my lifelong dream of birthing my songs the way I hear and feel them without middle-men. I need your help to get them out!
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Funding period
12/23/22 - 1/29/23
May 2023
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,000 €
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Let's Go - and get some rest!

Simon Glöde
Simon Glöde2 min Lesezeit

Hi family! I am excited for this to happen now and I'm going to tell you a lot more about this Crowdfunding after these days of rest and hope you have a chance to slow down and recharge for 2023!

During the first few christmassy days already some of you have made donations and bought music. That's exciting, thank you so much! This is really exciting and I really appreciate this way of you and me already coming together for this before the music is even out there.

For now I hope you enjoy some quiet days - and so will I. I am in Germany visiting family and with the big bulk of Christmas-socialising having come to an end, I'm looking forward to entering the chill-phase and will keep you posted about everything in here and on my socials in the next 4 weeks ♥️

The picture is from "Freunachten" a local event in my hometown the day before christmas: Singing and smiling together to celebrate these days.

- a shanti (peaceful) holiday to you -


Hi Familie! Ich freue mich sehr, dass das Crowdfunding jetzt läuft und ich werde euch nach den Feiertagen/Neujahr viel mehr über dieses Crowdfunding erzählen.

In den ersten weihnachtlichen Tagen haben schon einige von euch gespendet und Musik gekauft. Das ist so schön, Danke! Im neuen Jahr werde ich euch viel mehr über diese Aktion und über die Musik und die kommenden Projekte erzählen. Jetzt aber wünsche ich euch und mir selbst erstmal ein paar ruhige Tage. Ich bin in Deutschland zu Besuch bei meiner Familie und nach einer Menge aktiver Tage geht's jetzt in die Chill-Phase. Danach geht's hier vier Wochen lang weiter ♥️

Das Bild ist von "Freunachten", einer lokalen Veranstaltung in meiner Heimatstadt am Tag vor Weihnachten: Gemeinsames feiern und singen, um diese Tage zu feiern

- dir einen shanti (friedlichen) urlaub -

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1/21/23 - My dear one ♥️ Thank you for a SUCCESSFUL...

My dear one ♥️
Thank you for a SUCCESSFUL crowdfunding <3 yesterday we reached 7k, which means that all is very wonderful here in Camp-Simon!

No matter what you contributed to this project, I appreciate it SO MUCH. As a supporter of other projects myself, I know it is a huge act of digital kindness. I am honored, that you want me to succeed in life.
With all pressure gone, I'm keeping the campaign open for one more week, find out why here

Talk soon!

How Feels To Be Alive | New Music from Simon Glöde
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