Crowdfunding since 2010

I used the pandemic to learn how to produce my songs from beginning to end and here we are: Help me releasing my music!

FOR GERMAN/FÜR DEUTSCH: | I used the pandemic lockdowns to learn how to fully produce my own songs from start to finish. Now my songs can be released into the world without me having to rent an expensive studio, hire a band or finding a label: Staying independent and fulfilling my lifelong dream of birthing my songs the way I hear and feel them without middle-men. I need your help to get them out!
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Funding period
12/23/22 - 1/29/23
May 2023
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,000 €
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What is this project all about?

The live music business is broken and the main means of making money for many small artists like myself have been shut down and not yet recovered.
Help me kickstart this new chapter to being self-sufficient as a musician. Translating the songs from my heart to your ears without having to depend on other factors, because it's almost 2023 and we're coming up with new ways of doing this!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

With this project laying the foundation for many more songs to see the world, I want it to be the seed for more interactive & intimate concert-experiences in the coming year. Less consumption-based, more communal: Bringing people together around a shared idea, a shared lyric, a shared song in the real world and online.

Why would you support this project?

Because you want to see more diversity in music and humans expressing themselves freely, realizing their creative ideas without being dependent on a broken system, that supresses differences and supports commercial values.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The funds will be used to pay for outsourced services like additional mixing, mastering and creating visuals like videos and artworks to go along with the music.

Who are the people behind the project?

I am Simon, 29 years old and I was put here to share songs and sounds in all shapes and forms and have tried it all through the years: From metal to meditation, acapella to advertising. 4 years ago I quit my life and musical-career in Germany to go on an inner journey leading to many trips to India and living in a van before settling in Copenhagen, where a new environment and forming new relationships in the midst of a pandemic brought an array of new challenges. Deprived of concerts, jobs and distractions I dove into deepening my production-skills to realize a life-long dream of being able to produce my own music from idea to finish. And here we are: I have produced 5 new songs and created an environment for myself to keep my ideas flowing out into the world without middlemen. Almost: Because some finalizing things I need to outsource and I need your help paying these amazing men and women to finish my songs!

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1/21/23 - My dear one ♥️ Thank you for a SUCCESSFUL...

My dear one ♥️
Thank you for a SUCCESSFUL crowdfunding <3 yesterday we reached 7k, which means that all is very wonderful here in Camp-Simon!

No matter what you contributed to this project, I appreciate it SO MUCH. As a supporter of other projects myself, I know it is a huge act of digital kindness. I am honored, that you want me to succeed in life.
With all pressure gone, I'm keeping the campaign open for one more week, find out why here

Talk soon!

How Feels To Be Alive | New Music from Simon Glöde
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