Crowdfunding since 2010

I used the pandemic to learn how to produce my songs from beginning to end and here we are: Help me releasing my music!

FOR GERMAN/FÜR DEUTSCH: | I used the pandemic lockdowns to learn how to fully produce my own songs from start to finish. Now my songs can be released into the world without me having to rent an expensive studio, hire a band or finding a label: Staying independent and fulfilling my lifelong dream of birthing my songs the way I hear and feel them without middle-men. I need your help to get them out!
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Funding period
12/23/22 - 1/29/23
May 2023
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,000 €
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The first single is coming out on friday!

Simon Glöde
Simon Glöde2 min Lesezeit


Dear friend,
thank you so much for supporting me and my music!
The first single "What We Found" is coming out on friday ☺️

The song is about the pains we found and the wisdom we gained during our time during lockdowns in '20 and '21. The musicvideo is also a classic DIY-musician-piece with all the homevideo I could find. Check out the youtube-video with a behind-the-scenes commentary below.

I am super excited for this one to see the world and especially the way WE made it happen.

If you have bought a CD or a Download through the crowdfunding, you will receive a mail with a Download-link on friday.

See you then <3


Lieber Freund,

vielen Dank, dass du mich und meine Musik so unterstützt hast!
Am Freitag kommt endlich meine erste Single "What We Found" heraus ☺️

Das Lied handelt von den Erfahrungen, die wir während der Lockdowns in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 erlebt haben, und von der Weisheit, die wir daraus gewonnen haben. Das Musikvideo ist ein klassisches DIY-Erlebnis mit all den Heimvideos, die ich finden konnte. Schau dir das YouTube-Video mit dem Kommentar hinter den Kulissen an.

Einfach schön, dass es endlich soweit ist und das Lied in die Welt hinausgeht. Besonders freue ich mich darauf, zu sehen, wie WIR das möglich gemacht haben.

Wenn du eine CD oder einen Download über das Crowdfunding gekauft hast, erhältst du am Freitag eine E-Mail mit einem Download-Link.

Bis bald <3


to get notified when the track is up!

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1/21/23 - My dear one ♥️ Thank you for a SUCCESSFUL...

My dear one ♥️
Thank you for a SUCCESSFUL crowdfunding <3 yesterday we reached 7k, which means that all is very wonderful here in Camp-Simon!

No matter what you contributed to this project, I appreciate it SO MUCH. As a supporter of other projects myself, I know it is a huge act of digital kindness. I am honored, that you want me to succeed in life.
With all pressure gone, I'm keeping the campaign open for one more week, find out why here

Talk soon!

How Feels To Be Alive | New Music from Simon Glöde
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