Gemeinsam mit Dir retten wir Lebensmittel und bringen uns mit unserer politischen und Bildungsarbeit für mehr Wertschätzung von Lebensmittel ein.
To take concrete steps so that the issue of food waste, or rather food appreciation, gets on the political agenda, but is also taken seriously by the business community and, of course, by private households.
After two successful Startnext campaigns in 2017 and 2019, in which thousands of people have already supported us, we would now like to draw even more attention to the topic and the solution of SIRPLUS with the third campaign: Simply save food, save money and do good! For each order we donate one school meal with Welthungerhilfe, so we could already enable a total of over 300,000 school meals in Burundi.
SIRPLUS is not only interested in saving food via our online store, but also in creating awareness for the issue and thus further increasing the direct impact on the issue, as well as building even more political pressure and promoting concrete solutions with your support.
Through our online store with hundreds of products and various cooking boxes, we make food rescue easy for everyone in Germany. We offer an average price saving of 30-40%.
Our goal is to make the appreciation of food acceptable together with you. We bring food, which has been discarded due to overproduction, blemishes or expired best-before dates, back into the cycle. Thereby we make food rescue easy and accessible for all people in Germany.
In this way, we offer everyone the opportunity to get involved in the appreciation and sustainable use of food and thus not only protect the environment, but also their wallets. Because in every food there are CO2 emissions, labor, water and fertile land, which was not consumed in vain by saving the food.
The time is ripe for all of us to simply conserve our earth's precious resources and take a stand against the unnecessary waste of food.
If food waste were a country, it would be the largest C02 emitter after China and the US and responsible for 10% of all global greenhouse gases.
Together with you, we will make a significant contribution to bring the issue to the center of society and give millions of food a 2nd chance.
Food waste concerns us all! Private households are responsible for half of the world's food waste, which means that a total of ⅓ of global agricultural land and numerous other resources are wasted - enough to feed all the world's hungry people three times over.
Plus, you'll receive a variety of thank-you gifts for your support. So you're doing something good and saving money at the same time.
With your contribution to our 3rd crowdfunding campaign you support our educational work and political engagement. In concrete terms, this means that we will introduce legislation against food waste and for food appreciation and inform even more people about the issue. Only if politics, business and private individuals work together is the German government's goal of reducing food waste by 50% by 2030 possible.
In the meantime, we at SIRPLUS are an ingenious team of 50 passionate food rescuers, almost 70,000 customers and hundreds of partner companies with whom we save food together. We also have celebrity supporters like Esther Schweins and Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht.
Now only you are missing! We are looking forward to making a big difference together with you, so that we can get closer to our vision - a world in which no food is wasted and thus all people have enough to eat.
The founder of SIRPLUS, Raphael Fellmer, has been campaigning against food waste since 2009 and became famous through his 5-year money strike. Already with his 2012 founded food saver movement (today known as "foodsharing") could be inspired meanwhile over 110,000 Foodsaver to engage themselves voluntarily for the appreciation of food. As a result, 75 million kilograms of food have already been saved.
SIRPLUS brings surplus food back into the value chain and thus actively participates in halving food waste by 2030. In addition, together with Welthungerhilfe, SIRPLUS enables a school meal for children in Burundi with every order in our online store.
Liebe Crowd,
Wow, fast 2000 Unterschriften haben wir bisher eingesammelt und in den letzten Wochen haben wir unsere Kraft vor allem auf die Petition zur Abschaffung der Mehrwertsteuer auf Lebensmittel mit abgelaufenem Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum gelegt. Mach jetzt mit!
Deswegen reduzieren wir unser Startnext Fundingziel auf 4.500€. Dank Dir für Deinen Support der Kampagne und Petition!
Herzlichen Dank Dir!
Alles Liebe Raphael und das gesamte SIRPLUS Team
Liebe Crowd,
Dank Euch für Eure Unterstützung! Unsere Petition zur Abschaffung der MwSt ist endlich live, unterschreibe hier:
Wir wollen unsere Kräfte darauf fokussieren diese zu pushen und deshalb das Ziel für die Kampagne auf 7.777€ zu reduzieren.
Für mehr Bildungsarbeit werden wir mit der Deutschen Umwelthilfe, foodsharing, Querfeld, Too Good To Go u.a. konkrete Forderungen stellen.
Dank Dir für Deine Unterstützung!
Let´s make it happen