Mit dem Startziel von 8.900€ können wir die SISTA App im März 2022 launchen und damit die SISTA App auf den deutschsprachigen Markt bringen.
Why do we need SISTA?
"Our vision is to bring femininity to life."
More and more women are giving up hormonal contraceptives, such as the pill, and as a result are once again experiencing a natural cycle that sometimes feels completely foreign and new. Therefore, it is time to get to know the cyclical qualities anew.
What is SISTA?
"Understanding is one thing, but integrating that understanding is another.”
Scientific findings on the correlation of hormone curves and the qualities that accompany them, are used in SISTA's technology innovation. This helps women, through highly personalized Sound Journey experiences, to connect with themselves and more deeply integrate the knowledge they have learned to transform into their desired potential.
We help women understand which days they are more creative, more confident, or more demotivated. In the app, however, we go a few steps deeper and also take into account, for example, the cycle of the moon.
How exactly does that work?
Before the user embarks on a journey to herself, she personalizes her experience. The SISTA app guides her through a 3-second mini-reflection in which she selects her current and desired emotional state (e.g., "demotivated"). She then sets her intention for the day.
This results in a 16-minute Sound Journey that is exclusively tailored to the user and the day in question. The SISTA app takes into account the day of the menstrual cycle, the position of the current moon in the zodiac sign, as well as the selected emotional state of the user. With the appropriate frequencies and a strong affirmation, it helps to connect with the intention of the day. This form of personalization revolutionizes meditations as we know them so far. The whole experience is complemented by 3D sounds and binaural frequencies for a completely new meditation experience.
The SISTA app was created specifically for women with a menstrual cycle* who want to connect more with their own bodies and cycles, and are open to incorporating the energies of the moon as well.
Having searched for a product ourselves that could help us navigate through the complexities of these energies of hormones and the moon and not finding one, SISTA's journey began in 2019. With SISTA we have created a compass and now we want to make it available to all other women to lift potentials and create more flow in their private and professional lives.
*we also already have concepts for girls and menopause
Anything beyond that will allow us to grow into a real company where we are pioneers in embedding cyclical working directly into the company and team culture.
We, Jasmin Krieger and Jenny Silze are the founders and managing directors of SISTA GmbH. We have been involved in exciting projects before SISTA, like building PayPal in Germany over 10 years or founding Wir Bauen Zukunft e.G. You can learn more about us on our website and our LinkedIn Profiles.
The idea for SISTA was born out of our own need and fortunately we have already been able to win the best supporters for our SISTA project in the last few years. Of course, we always have open arms for more great people: Biggest thanks go to our partners* at all about apps and DOTSANDLINES for the design and development of our app.
We work with talented artists like Ursula Meyer, who is responsible for our special icons and art prints.
The music in our app is composed by Enda Gallery and Jonas Vicent , enhanced with 3D sounds and sound design, so you can dive into other worlds.
Besides our app, we want to help establish cyclical work. To this end, we have entered a collaboration with Sabrina Meyfeld (Zwischenraum) and have already given workshops to companies. We also offer these workshops here as "thank-you gifts". Companies like idealo Internet GmbH and the agency Wigwam have already booked our impulse lecture. Big thanks to the great women who made this possible: Franziska Seidel and Amelie Salameh.
And this whole campaign was made possible by the support of Anni Kraus . 1000 thanks in advance to all who diligently store "thank you gifts", it's Christmas soon and certainly a very special gift.
Our vision is to make femininity experienceable.This project has passed the Startnext check up.
IBAN: DE48110101002574024367
solarisBank AG
Vertreten durch:
Jennifer Silze & Jasmin Krieger
Telefon: +49 (0)151 14570465
E-Mail: [email protected]
Eintragung im Amstgericht Schwerin
Registernummer: HRB 13852
Steuernummer: 087/118/02046
Rechtliche Hinweise
Seit dem 15.Februar 2016 stellt die EU-Kommission eine Plattform für außergerichtliche Streitschlichtung bereit. Verbrauchern gibt dies die Möglichkeit, Streitigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Online-Bestellung zunächst ohne die Einschaltung eines Gerichts zu klären. Die Streitbeilegungs-Plattform ist unter; erreichbar. Zur Teilnahme an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle sind wir nicht verpflichtet und nicht bereit. Bitte wenden Sie sich zu erst immer an uns persönlich. Wir sind sicher, dass wir eine für alle Beteiligten zufriedenstellende Lösung finden werden.