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Take a stand against police and military violence with rap! #StopMurderingAfricanPeople

#StopMurderingAfricanPeople is an artistic project that brings together music and social conscience against police and military brutality in Africa and in particular, in Cameroon. We’re going to produce the sound and video for a single as well as a sticker campaign. VERSION FRANCAIS DISPONIBLE EN BAS
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Funding period
6/7/16 - 8/7/16
September 31th 2016
Minimum amount (Start level): €
3,855 €
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Thank you for a 1045 Euro! 34 days to go! Lets mobilize all we got!

Katharina Lipowsky
Katharina Lipowsky1 min Lesezeit

Yeeaah we made it!! The mark of a 1000 Euro has been finally reached!! Thank you so much for your support!

Hobskur is busy organizing his stay in Cameroon in September so that he can work the project as planed. He has been in contact with two different communities in Douala and has already two dates for concerts fixed.

We have still 33 days to go to collect as much money as possible!! Activate your collogues, friends and family!! Every little support helps to get the campaign against police and military violence work!

Have a wonderful day!

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Campaign against police and military violence
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