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Take a stand against police and military violence with rap! #StopMurderingAfricanPeople

#StopMurderingAfricanPeople is an artistic project that brings together music and social conscience against police and military brutality in Africa and in particular, in Cameroon. We’re going to produce the sound and video for a single as well as a sticker campaign. VERSION FRANCAIS DISPONIBLE EN BAS
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Funding period
6/7/16 - 8/7/16
September 31th 2016
Minimum amount (Start level): €
3,855 €
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What a good week!!

Katharina Lipowsky
Katharina Lipowsky1 min Lesezeit

Woow it has been a really great week!! In just a couple of days we made another 400 Euros. That really encourage us to go on!

In fact: If all of those who are fans of this project just give 10 Euros we would have another 640 Euros.

And if all of you would encourage another person to give 5 Euros. That would be another 300 Euros.

And that would be simply amazing!!! ;-)

So folks spread the word!!

Thanks a lot!

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Campaign against police and military violence
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