Crowdfunding since 2010

Suzy Va: "Constantly Changing"

Crowdfunding successfully finished
3,214 €

Nine songs about the only constant in life: change. Be a part of the album "Constantly Changing", and help us to make the release possible!

I am Suzy Bartelt, singer and songwriter from Berlin. With your help I want to release my second album “Constantly Changing”. For two years, my songs grew and I grew along with them. It was an exciting process which I enjoyed immeMehr anzeigen

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Funding period
12.09.18 - 17.10.18
Release: early 2019
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,000 €
If the first funding goal is reached, the recording costs including the musicians, mixing & mastering will be covered!
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What is this project all about?

The past two years have been very eventful, I was inspired to write songs about the changes in my life and how I came to accept them. “Constantly Changing” features nine of these songs.

My music has gone through changes as well. I have drawn inspiration from rock (a teenage-dream of mine: singing in a rock band!) and my love of harmonised vocals.

The recording process was spread over a longer period of time than any of my past work. With plenty of time in beMehr anzeigen

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

In addition to the digital release of the album “Constantly Changing”, there should also be a CD-release, since it remains extraordinarily satisfying to hold a product with beautiful artwork in your hands. We plan to release the
album in early 2019.

To be able to visualise the music, it would be wonderful to shoot a music video as well.

This music is for you, if...

  • you know me and how much lifeblood myself and everybody involved put into this production
  • you
  • Mehr anzeigen

Why would you support this project?

  • So our music can reach your ears as listener and hopefully will be added to your playlist.
  • We are happy about each and every music fan who wants to help realise this project.
  • Crowdfunding is a way to support artists and their music directly.
  • It's worth it. The album will be awesome! And there are great rewards :).

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

A lot of creative and capable minds are part of this production. We want to get these people paid reasonably for their invested time and remarkable work.

If we reach the 1st funding goal we can pay:

  • recording costs & musicians
  • mixing & mastering
  • artwork

If we reach the 2nd funding goal we have even more possibilities, so the music will not only be audible but also visible:

  • CD-duplication
  • music video
  • website

If we don't reach the total funding amountMehr anzeigen

Who are the people behind the project?

Suzy Va are:
Suzy, Matt and Ralph with guests.

Suzy writes the lyrics, the music and the arrangements. Matt Baldwin on the guitar is her long-standing musical partner. He plays a key role in shaping the songs. Ralph Grässler is sound artist in the Mission Control Studio and plays bass on the album.

Guest musicians on the album:

violin: Eva Cottin
saxophone: Oleg Hollmann
oud: Sungjun Ko
clarinet: Adrien Braud
trombone: Anne Dau
framedrum: Tom Dayan
drums: JonathaMehr anzeigen


Anne Luft

Visual Concepts.
Art Direction.
Screen & Motiondesign.

Mission Control Studio

"Our ears at your service."


Kultur- und Kreativstandort in Oranienburg.
Hier ist Raum für deine Ideen.

Anne Luft

Visual Concepts.
Art Direction.
Screen & Motiondesign.

Mission Control Studio

"Our ears at your service."

Suzy Va: "Constantly Changing"
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