Crowdfunding since 2010

We'll travel from Germany to Georgia with three Youngtimers, where the cars will be auctioned. The money will benefit local social causes.

We are part of the the this year ́s „Allgäu Orient Rallye 2016“. A charity event with the aim to drive three cars per team into the orient to sell them. The revenue will be donated for good causes in the destination area. In 2011 for example the Turkish Red Halfmoon received 250.000€ for earth-quake victims and refugees. On the way we also want to help as much as possible and support refugee camps, schools and orphan houses.
Funding period
4/4/16 - 5/10/16
01. Mai 2016 - Ende Mai 2016
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
6,666 €
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What is this project all about?

Essentially the project is about helping. The „Allgäu Orient Rallye“ only supports aims with huma-nitarian background ever sins. Because of the 111 teams taking part, the rallye collects a huge amount of money for social projects in the destination area every year. Also all of the teams try to help as much as they can on the way down to the orient.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

It ́s our aim to bring our three Mercedes-Benz youngtimer succesfully into the destination area to sell them for the support of social projects. Because of that, our target group are people who want to active support good causes.

Why would you support this project?

Our team support this project because the „Allgäu Orient Rallye“ have to report huge achie-vements from the past. The rally could improve or even save numerous lifes of needy people.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

All donations will be used exclusively for the humanitarian background of the rally. That means for the support of social projects in the destination area and for several projects on the way as well.

Who are the people behind the project?

The „Allgäu Orient Rallye“ is organized under the protectorate of the World Food Programm (WFP).

Team Desert Taxi

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Team Desert Taxi - Rallye for a good cause
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