Crowdfunding since 2010
Cooking means welcoming, cooking means meeting, cooking means friendship. Cooking is a major part of every culture. We use this intersection to promote integration of refugees into German society. We want to bring together people from different cultures by cooking together, in a situation where everybody is on an equal footing, a situation where we help strangers become friends. Our new cookbook presents the stories and favorite recipes of those people who are looking for a new home in Germany
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Funding period
10/28/14 - 11/30/14
Books till Xmas
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
18,000 €
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What is this project all about?

We are confronted with the issue of asylum and refugees on a daily basis. But we know very little about the people behind the headlines, the refugees who come to Germany to find a new home. For us, the issue remains anonymous and elusive. For the newcomers to this country, it is a similar story. They are faced with a foreign culture and society into which it is difficult to find access.

This is what we want to change. This is why, in the summer of 2014, we launched a Germany-wide call to motivate locals to reach out to refugees and to invite them to cook together.

The feedback was tremendous. Our small call to action quickly grew into a movement. The resulting personal recipes and stories from the refugees are being gathered together and we are now in the process of putting together an exceptional recipe book.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our goal is to look at the theme of ‘Asylum’ from a new perspective; we want to highlight the humanity of the refugees and to highlight possible points of contact. We are creating awareness for the diversity and cultural richness of our fellow human beings and we are helping to enable valuable encounters with one other.

Cooking together helps us:
• to get to know the refugee as a person
• to generate interest and curiosity
• to break down prejudices and barriers
• to take a closer step towards one other

Our book is for both refugees and permanent residents. It is for those with an open mind to other cultures, for cooks with an appetite for adventure and for those who want to learn more about the new members of our society!
But this project extends itself further than the cookery book.
Through cooking classes, community meetings and many other projects, ÜdTk continually seeks to promote the integration of refugees and asylum seekers.

Why would you support this project?

We have chosen to live alongside these people who have joined our society, to welcome them into our lives. Through this project, we are inviting all like-minded people to join the movement.

You support this project because

• you want to become a part of the welcome movement
• you have purchased the recipe book and are thereby enabling us to establish further projects for and with refugees
• you are of the belief that openness and cultural exchange are important for our society
• you want this movement to continue to grow and that even more people cook along with ÜdTk

With your donation you are helping us to take a step towards a better society, towards togetherness and harmony.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Thanks to our Germany-wide movement, all recipes and stories have already been collected for the book content. We place great value on a high quality print so that the book's outer appearance reflects its valuable content.

We are working on the layout of the book with a professional designer. Once we have reached our funding target, we will be able to produce a book that mirrors the value of its recipes and stories.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are Ninon, Gerrit, Bontu, Caro, Rafael, Lisa, Lisa and Jenny. Our team does not consist of ‘do-gooders’. We are a diverse bunch of engineers and communication scientists that, through a stroke of luck, were thrown together by a university project. Together we make a strong team. A team in which friendship, respect, creativity and a mutual work ethic play an essential role. Together we have created something extraordinary and we want to create an enduring effect in the way that refugees and asylum are perceived.

By presenting people and their rich culture beyond these abstract terms, we create interest, opportunities for exchange and, most importantly, for friendship.

Über den Tellerrand kochen

Legal notice
Ninon Demuth, Bontu Guschke, Gerrit Kürschner, Carolin Strehmel Über den Tellerrand kochen GbR
Ninon Demuth
Warthestr. 54
12051 Berlin Germany


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Ueber den Tellerrand kochen
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