Crowdfunding since 2010

Psychological sci-fi drama about relationships, androids, and the fear of being alone. A Bachelor Film of the Hochschule Darmstadt

In a near-futuristic world where robots have become indistinguishable from humans, borderline Heloísa struggles with her relationships. She is pushed to confront her fear of being alone when her ex-boyfriend Felipe starts dating a seemingly perfect android clone of herself.
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Funding period
1/26/24 - 3/19/24
End 2025
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 5,285 €

With this amount we can cover the costs of equipment, insurance, transportation, and production design, as well as provide meals for the cast and crew on set. Every additional euro helps us to realize the film in the best possible way.

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1,000 €

What is this project all about?

The short film "The Perfect Other (AT)" takes viewers into a near futuristic world where robots have become almost indistinguishable from humans, blurring the boundaries of what it means to be socially perfect.

The story revolves around 25-year-old Heloísa (Elô), who is struggling after a painful breakup with her boyfriend Felipe. Isolating herself, she fears her tumultuous behavior caused by psychological issues destroyed their relationship. Her world crumbles further when Felipe appears dating her seemingly perfect android clone Isabella, leading her to first question her integrity, but ultimately into confronting her need for validation and her fear of being alone.

"The Perfect Other" has sci-fi elements but is primarily a psychological drama that focuses on individual, intimate stories, rather than exploring broader societal impacts of androids. The sci-fi becomes a stage, a mirror of human behavior and interpersonal relationships.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

"The Perfect Other (AT)" aims to provide reflections on human relationships, on the fear of being alone, on self love and mental disorders.

Many relationships start only because people are afraid of being alone. Some toxic ones don't end for the same reason. Are we not complete even with flaws, even alone?

Another goal is to foster empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by individuals with personality disorders, like bipolar and borderline, even though Heloísa’s own disorder is never named in the film itself. However, Elô's struggle extends beyond herself, affecting her partner and all her relationships. We'd like to contemplate relationship limits before abuse, questioning when it is worthwhile to persevere and fight for a relationship, and when it is necessary to prioritize self-care and step back. It's important to note that Felipe isn't portrayed as a flawed character, because he also suffered within a toxic relationship.

The target audience for "The Perfect Other (AT)" includes adults of all ages interested in profound psychological dramas, but also on the impact of technology in relationships and moral questions related to artificial intelligence. Furthermore, the film targets viewers interested in looking at their own relationship to themselves.

The multifaceted plot, combined with futuristic elements, makes "The Perfect Other (AT)" accessible to a broad audience looking for a thought-provoking, emotional film that touches on universal human themes.

Why would you support this project?

Your support will not only contribute to the creation of our passion project, but will also help draw attention to all mentioned themes we explore.

You should support our project, if you would like to see a film talking about the desire to be loved and accepted at all costs about the realities of mental disorders, about romantic dependency or our societal dopamine addiction, about the irony of loving someone but hurting them at the same time, about guilty, about remorse, about self love and forgiveness.

In the film, we deal with complexities of relationships in a futuristic world where android clones are seen as a replacement for genuine connection and emotional work is not desired. We believe it is important to talk about how we feel and question how we lead our lives in relationships because also in the present moment emotional distance seems to be encouraged, while more and more ideals and images are idealized.

By funding this project, you become part of our team, a creative community encouraging discussions about human relationships and our emotional or mental state.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With successful funding, we will be able to realize the film the best way possible! As a student production, our crew and cast members are either students or working in this project voluntarily, which means that all funding flows directly and only into the production of The Perfect Other.

The main focus will be on catering and transportation for our cast and crew and for the best filming conditions. Another portion of the funds will be invested in suitable filming locations and authentic set design. The production, set dressing, props, costumes, and makeup are crucial elements for our story, with an emphasis on creating a minimalist yet convincing futuristic look. We invest some of the funds into post-production, so we can finalize the film in the best possible version, which includes programs and licensing expenses. The funds are not used for promotion besides our submission fees to film festivals, so the film can reach a broader audience.

Who are the people behind the project?

Behind the project is a highly motivated international team of film students from the study courses "Motion Pictures", “Animation & Games” and “Sound & Music Production” from the Hochschule Darmstadt, supported by volunteers who already work in the field and share a passion for film. Each team member brings unique skills and perspectives, collectively working towards creating a captivating short film. The international diversity within the team is reflected in their creative approach, supporting the goal of producing an innovative production and an universal story.

Director and Writer: Agnes Alves Olivo
Producer: Meriem Bouda
Cinematographer: Daniela Hilsdorf
Production Coordinator: Polina Grechanikova
Co-Writer: Zora Lewiz Link
VFX Artist: Janis Görner
Sound Mixer: Daniel Erben
PA: Karolina Filatova
1st Assistant Director: Christopher Wittemann
Dramaturgy / Creative Help: Tim Kreisel
1st AC: Niklas Uthe
Graphic Designer: Jakob Lilje
Social Media: Antonia Baumgärtel
Set AL: Eduard Eisinger
Editing: Mikush Witulla
Colorist: Dennis Kaspari

The Perfect Other (AT)

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2/17/24 - more time everyone, you have more time to...

more time everyone, you have more time to support us.

1/26/24 - We changed the deadline in order to have one...

We changed the deadline in order to have one full month of Crowdfunding campaign. Extending the deadline with some days to cover 30 days of running campaign is very important for us to maximize our chances to receive all your supports on time.

We count on you, to make this project possible. Thirty Days of campaign, where we will be grateful for your all your help and support.


Hochschule Darmstadt

Bachelor Film of the Hochschule Darmstadt.

Hessen Film & Medien

The film is funded by Hessen Film & Medien .

The Perfect Other (AT)
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