Pays for the print of the first edition and the layout
The first book that really explains the surf guitar style!
Learn the most important chord progressions, scales and playing techniques like double picking, muted Picking and whammy bar chords.
Get information about amps, guitars and effects for a proper surf guitar sound!
This book is for all the guitarists that like the twangy style from the Californian coast!
It's an introduction to the surf guitar style, but also has a lot of information for more advanced players.
Surf guitar is one of the coolest styles in music, but there's not a lot of literature about how it really works.
This book is the first attempt to explain the style in depth.
The money will pay the manufacturing of the first edition of the book, the layout and a little promo campaign.
Martin Schmidt is the guitarist of the German Surfpunk-Trio The Razorblades. He founded his first band at the age of 17, turned pro a few years later and hasn’t put the guitar down ever since. Besides touring in Europe and the USA, he worked as a guitar instructor, music journalist and composer. He also runs his own record label GENERAL SCHALLPLATTEN, books his tours all by himself and is the author of the books SURF BEAT (an encyclopedia of surf music) and DER GITARRENHELD (a Playalong book for guitarists).