Crowdfunding since 2010
Johannes "Joe" Single and Sebastian Barwinek have been touring extensively with their different bands (e.g. "The McMontos" and "Green Highland"), being an active part of the German folk circuit. Two years ago, they decided to play as a duo act and now they want to produce the very first CD with this new brainchild of theirs. A vibrant mix of songs and tunes is just waiting to see the light of day -- with your support.
Funding period
7/7/15 - 8/9/15
Til March 2016
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
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Sebastians Soloalbum im Crowdfunding

Sebastian Barwinek
Sebastian Barwinek1 min Lesezeit

Lieber Unterstützer*innen der ersten Stunde,

für den Fall, dass ihr es noch nicht mitbekommen habt: Sebastian fundet gerade sein erstes Soloalbum via Startnext und es fehlen noch 5% bis zum Erreichen des Ziels. Die Kampagne läuft noch eine Woche, also habt ihr noch genug Zeit, es euch mal anzuschauen und evtl. noch mitzumachen. Natürlich wird auch Johannes mit von der Partie sein und die eine oder andere Gitarrenspur beisteuern. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn ihr Sebastian unterstützt.

Folkige Grüße,
Johannes und Sebastian

Dear supporters,

in case you haven't heard, Sebastian is currently crowdfunding is first solo album on Startnext. At the moment he's missing 5% to reach his funding goal so if you want to help him out it would be much appreciated. The campaign will run till next Sunday so there's plenty of time to check it out and support it if you so wish.
Of course, Johannes will also feature on the album and add a few guitar tracks. We would be very grateful if you supported Sebastian in his endeavour.

Best wishes,
Johannes and Sebastian



Sebastian Barwinek
Sebastian Barwinek1 min Lesezeit
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Sebastian Barwinek
Sebastian Barwinek3 min Lesezeit
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Sebastian Barwinek
Sebastian Barwinek2 min Lesezeit


Sebastian Barwinek
Sebastian Barwinek1 min Lesezeit
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7/28/15 - The dates for the release concerts have been...

The dates for the release concerts have been set! We will play in Büdingen on the 9th of January 2016 (we will announce the location in due time) and at Club Kuckucksei in Nürtingen on the 23rd of January 2016. Bear in mind that you will get the tickets at this cheap price during this campaign only. The whisky tastings will be held on the Fridays prior to the concerts. We hope this motivates some of you to buy the respective rewards! =)

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