Crowdfunding since 2010
Our debut album is eagerly waiting to be finalised, published and listened to. All songs have been recorded, but we are sadly lacking the financial means for the next steps. We need your support and involvement, for which you will be duly rewarded – with awesome stuff like our album in advance, super-special gigs, your own private song, etc.. Join in, help us to finance the album and give birth to this beautiful baby - together.
Funding period
5/28/15 - 7/12/15
July - November 2015
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
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What is this project all about?

It's about our first album. The recordings are done, but for the next steps until the release – mixing, mastering, manufacturing and marketing – we don’t have the required money right now. That’s why we ask you for some support in this way.

Our album will be a very personal product, a sum of all of our diverse influences, in which we have already invested so much work and love. Over the last few years we have played so many live gigs, from Berlin to Liverpool. Our songs and us as musicians have really matured during this time.

We want to get this album done on our own label. That has given us the greatest artistic independence that is possible, but it is a tremendous financial challenge when it comes to launching the record. With this campaign and your support, we want to build the basis to build upon.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The first goal is to get the record finished and pressed on CD and vinyl. Beyond that we want to reach as much people as possible and delight them with our music. This means that the more you support us, the more we can put into the marketing and distribution.

That’s why we speak to all of you who feel motivated to kick-start a project such as ours. You love music, like going to concerts or still play records? You are open for new musical discoveries, appreciate hand-made music and the sound of analogue recordings? You honour self-marketing artists and want to contribute to the democratisation of the music world? Then you’re absolutely right here!

Why would you support this project?

Because we need each other. Musicians are always dependent on their fans and supporters. What you hardly notice with well-known artists, is even more noticeable with the “small” minnows. A band can’t exist without those who like and appreciate their music. This is your chance to give utterance to this idea of communality.

A campaign such as this offers the possibility to kick-start a project as a community, whereby it is all financed up front and not re-financed at a later date. This means for example you can pre-order the album and make the funding possible at all. You can also get other rewards for your money.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

If we achieve our minimum goal of 5000 euros, it would ensure the basic funding and that you and us would be holding the album right here in our hands. In concrete terms that means:

  • the final mix and mastering
  • the artwork
  • the production of the CD and vinyl record

Any sum above that would be put into marketing the album for the official release. That would involve the usual music business promotion, but could also cover the production of a music video. We know of course that nowadays you will never have enough money for these things. This means that the more we get together now, the more we can do!

If we miss our minimum target, you would have no costs, but we would unfortunately also get nothing. Then there would be no album, unless we come up with finance from somewhere else.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are The Jooles, a band from Berlin, who live for hand-made music with a focus on catchy songs. Our music should give pleasure to the listener and make them either dream or dance. It is vintage pop, a little bit retro, but never old-fashioned. In particular we are:

Daria Wabnitz
The front singer. She grew up on the Baltic coast in the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, but in her heart she’s become a Berliner. In addition to her artistic talents, she has a degree in economics and works for an international music association.

Alexander Dommisch
Guitarist. In addition to the band, the musicologist graduate Alex manages the record labels Waterfall Records and Januar and was up until now responsible for record releases by Fight The Bear, The Floorettes and Tipps für Wilhelm.

Katharina Dommisch
Bass player. Lays down the harmonic basis for the band in several aspects. Katharina has studied Communication and is currently doing a masters degree in cultural management.

Richard Schaeffer
Drum monster. As a multi-instrumentalist, he always has creative ideas up his sleeves and gives the band’s sound that extra edge. On the side, he orders his food at the Vietnamese restaurant in that country’s tongue and provides soundtracks for short films as a contract composer.

The music producer Dennis Rux from Hamburg’s Yeah Yeah Yeah Studios has also played a significant role in the album’s creation, with his valuable advice and all the old analogue equipment made available.


The Jooles

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