Crowdfunding since 2010

Ukrainian soldiers of artillery reconnaissance at Bachmut need a transporter. Help save lives. Mobility is crucial.

After our two successful crowdfundings in May & November 2022, we now want to bring a third car, medicines and other humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The need for vehicles continues to be enormous. Every contribution counts and saves lives. The medicines we will additionally load the car with will do that literall . The car is needed by an artillery reconnaissance unit at Bachmut. You can learn more about the guys in our interview.
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Funding period
3/5/23 - 4/10/23
March - April 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,500 €

Kauf eines VW Transporters T5, Anmeldung, Sprit bis zur Ukraine.

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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

The artillery reconnaissance unit of the 3rd Independent Assault Brigade (formerly SSO "Azov") near Bachmut urgently needs a vehicle. We've known these guys for almost a year. More details about the commander Bogdan and the unit can be found in our interview: "Before the war I had tickets for April to Germany and now I am in Bakhmut".

And here again the pitch video for the project (with subtitles in DE, EN, RU).

It is hard to believe that last month was the anniversary of this terrible and senseless war. A terrorist and inhuman regime is destroying a democratic country. Ukraine fearlessly stands up to it, the rest of the civilized world helps it. We, too, have been doing so since the first day of the war and have no intention of stopping.

Therefore, at this crucial stage of the war, we would like to make the effort again and bring a vehicle to Ukraine for the third time. From the experience of the last two crowdfundings in May & November, we are sure that with your help it will work this time as well.

In addition, we will bring medicines and other humanitarian aid to Ukraine in cooperation with the Sudovyshnyansk Charitable Foundation, which has a warehouse in Düsseldorf

By the way, the Nissan SUV from the crowdfunding in Mayi also went to this unit. It has now covered 30,000 km, still runs great and has already helped the guys out of many dicey situations when they came under fire.

However, the unit is growing. At the same time, at Bachmut, many vehicles were destroyed. Currently, they are sharing the donated Nissan with another reconnaissance unit, so they desperately need more vehicles to transport equipment and stay mobile.

These vehicles are literally saving lives!

What will the car be used for in Ukraine?

  • Transporting equipment
  • Ensuring mobility on the front line
  • Evacuation of wounded and fallen

How will the car get to Ukraine?

Like the first time, we will buy the car in Germany and I will personally drive it to Lviv or Kiev and hand it over.

How can I be sure that my money will find its destination?

As far as possible we will document every step: Donation proceeds, purchases (with invoices), transportation, deployment, etc.

Also, we have been helping since the first days of the war (with and without crowdfunding) and documenting our projects on and

Which model should it be?

The guys need a van. Last time in November we had good experiences with a VW T5. That's why it should be a T5 this time as well. Diesel and all-wheel drive are a must.

How else can I help?

If you have suitable vehicles for sale or if you know car dealers with concrete suggestions, please contact us. Every hint and every Euro helps!

Otherwise, please share this appeal for donations with your friends, acquaintances and colleagues in messengers and social networks.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

There is not much to say about it: we want to help the Ukrainian people, and we want to do it with concrete actions!

Why would you support this project?

Your support helps to protect human destinies and elementary rights such as life and health. Support can ensure that crimes such as torture and rape do not continue.

After the world learned about Butcha, Isjum, and the widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure, it is obvious to us: every kilometer that is defended and every small village that is not captured or retaken prevents further atrocities. That is why haste is essential. Literally every day counts.

Perhaps some of you have already donated to Ukraine. Maybe even several times. We thank you for it!

But maybe some of you don't feel comfortable participating in big and anonymous fundraising campaigns, because you don't really know what will happen to your money and who will get it in the end.

One reason to start this and other crowdfunding campaigns was to give people the opportunity to directly participate in a concrete project with concrete people with their donation. You will see from the beginning to the end what happens with your money and how the donated vehicle will be used later.

We are convinced that really everybody can help. You can personally contribute directly to fight evil. How awesome is that? With all the suffering that is happening right now, this thought instills us with confidence and drive.

This possibility of being able to do something is liberating. Try it and you won't regret it!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Depending on the amount raised in the end, we will use the money to fund the following:

  • The purchase of the van
  • Minor expenses for interim registration: short-term license plates, export registration.
  • Fuel to the place of delivery in Ukraine
  • Bus trip back to Germany
  • If there is anything left over, we will use it to purchase other needed goods. We receive constantly updated overviews of what is urgently needed on the ground, e.g. technical equipment, medicines and humanitarian aid.

I assume that no money will be needed for overnight stays, as I plan to sleep in the car. That's how I did it last year. And after 48 hours of waiting alone at the Polish-Ukrainian border, I should be pretty good at it :)

Who are the people behind the project?

Hi, I'm Konstantin, 37 years old. I'm a graduate engineer in technical computer science. Professionally I am co-founder and CTO of a startup in the IT sector. I live in Düsseldorf and have two children. In my free time I jog and love to go to the mountains.

I was born in Ukraine, but have been living in Germany for almost 30 years. The most important thing for me at the moment is to help Ukraine.

But, of course, I am not alone. "We" - these are ordinary people: Friends, acquaintances and colleagues. People who cannot look away.

In the circle of friends, acquaintances and colleagues and through crowdfunding, we have collected donations of about 50,000 € since the beginning of the war (not counting donations in kind) and financed, among other things, the following:

  • 2 cars
  • 2 large generators
  • 3 DJI Mavic 3 drones
  • 1 DJI Mini drone
  • 2 powerbanks
  • 1 rifle scope
  • 1 thermal imaging camera
  • 2 combat helmets
  • 2 3D printers
  • winter jackets and wet weather protection for two soldiers
  • complete equipment for one volunteer medic
  • sleeping equipment
  • medicines

For more info, visit and


What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

"Hauptsache kein Krieg“ ist ein Leitspruch älterer Generationen. Seit Jahrzehnten durfte sich die europäische Gesellschaft in Sicherheit wiegen. Jetzt herrscht Krieg. Die Sehnsucht nach Frieden ist groß.
Wir erfahren schmerzhaft, dass die Wiedererlangung des Friedens Kampf erfordert. Diesen trägt die Ukraine für uns alle aus. Dieses Projekt unterstützt die Ukraine in ihrem Kampf um Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und grundlegende Menschenrechte wie Freiheit, Leben und Gesundheit.

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Konstantin Sokolov
Konstantin Sokolov
Hüttenstr. 65
40215 Düsseldorf Deutschland

4/9/23 - DE Wir haben es zum dritten Mal geschafft....

Wir haben es zum dritten Mal geschafft. Wahnsinn. Vielen, vielen Dank euch allen. Ich verkürze die Finanzierungsphase, damit wir nun schneller die Gewissenheit haben, dass die zugesicherten Beträge auch verfügbar sind :) Weite Infos sehr bald im Blog.

We made it for the third time. Wow. Many, many thanks to all of you. I'm shortening the funding phase so that we can now more quickly have the conscience that the pledged amounts are actually available :) More info very soon in the blog.

4/8/23 - DE Heute noch weitere 500€ zugesagt bekommen....

Heute noch weitere 500€ zugesagt bekommen. Ralf und ich haben bereits angefangen nach Autos zu suchen. Fühlt sich gut an! Noch mal riesen Dank an alle! Fehlt echt nicht mehr viel.

Today I got another 500€ promised. Ralf and I have already started looking for cars. Feels good! Once again huge thanks to all! Is really not much missing.

4/6/23 - DE Es sind gerade noch über 1000€ außerhalb...

Es sind gerade noch über 1000€ außerhalb von Startnext reingekommen. Wir sind also schon fast am Ziel. Falls ihr noch Freunde, Bekannte, Kollegen kennt, die noch etwas beitragen könnten, bitte sprecht sie an. Die können jetzt den Unterschied machen :)

Just over 1000€ came in outside of Startnext. So we are almost at the finish line. If you know friends, acquaintances, colleagues who could still contribute, please contact them. They can make the difference now :)

3/15/23 - Dieses Mal läuft's zäher. Es wird mehr Zeit...

Dieses Mal läuft's zäher. Es wird mehr Zeit & Anstrengung brauchen. Bitte verbreitet den Link in euren Kreisen und sprecht Menschen auch persönlich an. Das hilft! Es sind schließlich auch unsere Ärsche, die gerade in Bachmut verteidigt werden.
Danke Euch :)

This time it's tougher. It will take more time & effort. Please spread the link in your circles and talk to people personally if necessary. That helps! After all, it's also our asses that are being defended in Bachmut right now.
Thank you:)

Transporters & medication for Ukraine
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