Crowdfunding since 2010

Ukrainian soldiers of the 100th Brigade need a van. Help save lives in Ukraine. Mobility on the front lines is critical.

After our first successful crowdfunding in May, we want to bring another car and more equipment to Ukraine. In the meantime, Ukraine has proven in several very successful counterattacks that it can beat back the enemy and that the fight promising. Our help must not and will not slacken: We are raising money for a VW van for a unit on the Belarusian border and firefighting equipment for the military fire department in Lviv.
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Funding period
11/19/22 - 12/5/22
December 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,500 €

Purchase of a VW van for the 100th Brigade and possibly firefighting equipment for the military fire department in Lviv.

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6 Kisten mit Feuerwehrausrüstung | 6 boxes of firefighting equipment

Konstantin Sokolov
Konstantin Sokolov1 min Lesezeit


Vielen Dank an alle, die bisher gespendet haben!

Über Ralfs Feuerwehr haben wir schon sechs Kisten mit Feuerwehrausrüstung. Wir haben schon Einsatzkleidung, Helme, Handschuhe und Feuerwehrhaltegurte erhalten!

Bitte teilt den Spendenaufruf mit euren Freunden und Bekannten. Man weiß nie, wo man Erfolg hat. Beim ersten Crowdfunding haben überraschenderweise ehemalige Klassenkameraden gespendet, zu denen ich 15+ Jahre keinen Kontakt hatte. Einfach probieren :)


Thank you to everyone who has donated so far!

Through Ralf's fire department, we already have six boxes of firefighting equipment. We have already received turnout gear, helmets, gloves and firefighter harnesses!

Please share the appeal for donations with your friends and acquaintances. You never know where you will succeed. In the first crowdfunding, surprisingly former classmates I had no contact with for 15+ years donated. Just give it a try :)

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Konstantin Sokolov
Konstantin Sokolov
Fürstenwall, 182, 182
40215 Düsseldorf Deutschland

12/4/22 - Uns wurden privat neben dem Crowdfunding von...

Uns wurden privat neben dem Crowdfunding von Freunden, Bekannten und Kollegen schon über 4000€ zugesagt.

We have already been privately pledged over 4000€ in addition to crowdfunding from friends, acquaintances and colleagues.

Transporter & firefighting equipment for Ukraine
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