Crowdfunding since 2010

Variand gives you the freedom to reimagine your home environment – whenever you want.

We love to furnish rooms in a creative and flexible way. Variand is a furniture system that can be playfully and easily changed with your wishes and needs. Through a clever design, the modular furniture can be flexibly moved on the wall, arranged, expanded and quickly adapted to any living situation and your taste.
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Funding period
5/19/21 - 6/30/21
August/ September 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 12,000 €

Your support makes the serial production of Variand furniture possible and helps us to develop new components.

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What is this project all about?

Today you're having a creative romp, tomorrow you have friends over, suddenly you have to work from home and in a few months your partner will move in with you?

Your life changes, and so should your furniture.

The unique design of Variand furniture allows you to effortlessly and playfully adapt it to your wishes, requirements and life situations. Move, arrange, expand, change - just the way you like and the way it suits you!

Simply installed, mounted and turned into your own.

You will only need tools for the wall rails. Once they are installed, the Variand furniture can be effortlessly hung in the rails. The protected Variand hanging mechanism makes it possible to hang the furniture so that it sits firmly and securely on the wall - and can still be removed or rearranged quickly if necessary.

The wall rails are the backbone of the Variand system. To make sure that they can be used as creatively as possible, there are several additions that can be embedded in the wooden rails:

  • Cork pin strips for pinning notes, your favorite photos, and whatever else comes to mind.
  • Hidden embedded magnets for hanging keys or kitchen utensils.
  • Integrated picture rail for quick, flexible hanging of picture frames.
  • An integrated LED light strip that elegantly illuminates the wall below the rail (Unfortunately, since this addition requires a lot of custom planning, we can't offer it in the crowdfunding campaign).

German design, Made in Italy.

Developed in our Cologne office, the components of the Variand system are manufactured in South Tyrol. This is not only due to our love of the mountains, but above all because of the high quality craftsmanship and reliability we have found there.
b]We make furniture that is meant to accompany you through life and has to endure life. Computer-controlled metal and woodworking machines provide the precise foundation and skilled craftspeople provide the finishing touches.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We love to furnish rooms in a creative and flexible way. We want to pass on this passion - with furniture that inspires you to be creative, encourages change and brings joy.

What moves, fascinates and inspires you? Bring it on the wall!

We see furniture as building blocks, each uniquely arranged to form the basis for your own creative expression and ideas. Variand becomes alive through your passions and changes with your needs.

Flexibility in any room
The adaptability of furniture is more important today than ever before. Our ambition with Variand is to create a system that can be used flexibly in any room and for any requirement. With a diverse product range of shelves, wardrobes, boards, mirrors, hooks, shelves and much more, we want to create the basis for this and constantly expand the assortment.

Sustainable through the ability to change
Nowadays, furniture is too often thrown away and replaced after just a few years. With the flexibility and versatility of Variand, we want to offer a system that can accompany you through life - and thus also set an example for a more sustainable approach to using furniture.

Smart and sexy
To us, design is the perfect combination of the useful and the beautiful. With a simple and modern design language, light wooden surfaces and elegant metal elements, Variand furniture has an individual, timeless look that makes it fit effortlessly into any room.

Why would you support this project?

The crowdfunding campaign is an important way for us to learn from you, the potential users of Variand.

We have been working on the development of Variand for a very long time, have already realized some great projects and already made our first customers happy. But the pandemic has slowed down our sales start and especially the contact to the furniture retailers.

Now it's time to get out there with Variand: We want to know from you what you think of our ideas, which parts of the system you like best, what works well, and what we can improve.

Our vision for Variand
We hope to inspire you with Variand and in the long run build a community that shares this enthusiasm and inspires each other.
Above all, we believe that the Variand system can gain much more flexibility and added value through a large, connected user community.
A big and long-term vision of ours is to set up a swapping platform that connects the Variand community so that furniture can be swapped or sold among each other.
That way we could enable more flexible use of the entire system, offer our furniture as second-hand goods to people with lower budgets, and prevent Variand furniture that is no longer needed from being thrown away.

Getting there will take a while, but we are excited about the journey to this vision and would love to have you join us!.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The Variand system thrives on the diversity of its components. However, such a large product range is also a major hurdle for a young company because it involves high costs for development, production, packaging materials and storage.

With your support you are helping us:

  • To be able to give up a production at cost-effective quantities
  • To pre-finance the production costs
  • To have packaging material made for the different products
  • To expand and improve our warehouse
  • To finish our webshop

Also, the funding helps us to continue to work on Variand with full time effort, to try out new ideas and to constantly make the Variand system better and more comprehensive.

Thank you for your contribution!

Who are the people behind the project?

The Variand team consists of Lennard, Johannes, Tino (Valentin S.) and Valentin.

We are united by our passion for useful, clever and beautiful design, the development of crazy ideas and the desire to encourage a more conscious and sustainable use of furniture.

  • Johannes is our networker. He holds the strings to customers, partners, production and delivery companies in his hand and usually his phone in the other.
  • Lennard is our guy for the numbers. As a business graduate he takes care of our finances and is the passionate keeper of our databases.
  • Valentin is the designer in the team. He develops the product designs, takes care of the marketing and makes sure that everyone uses the corporate font.
  • Tino is our tinkerer and inventor. He would love to be in the workshop all day, but unfortunately has to take care of our website and IT as well.

The four of us met a few years ago while studying at the Alanus University near Bonn, where Johannes, Tino and Valentin developed the basic idea for our furniture system as part of their architecture studies.

A short Variand history
During our studies we had the special opportunity to develop a furnishing concept for a school in Bressanone (South Tyrol) and to bring the concept to life with the school after the university project was completed.
It quickly became clear to us that the furniture had to be very flexible, because in the old school building all the rooms were different, the room occupancy was still unclear and also the school's pedagogy aimed for a changing, lively learning environment.
So we came up with the idea for a furniture system that could be changed, rearranged and adapted quickly and easily.
We developed the Variand hanging mechanism, built the first prototypes, presented the idea to the school, and were suddenly faced with the challenge of now actually implementing the whole thing.
To get funding for the project, we helped the school find sponsors. We built up a network of companies for production in South Tyrol and spent many semester breaks in the workshop and on assembly at the school. Almost two years later, we were finally able to successfully complete the project.

You can get an impression of the finished school here:
Link to the video

During this time we gained a lot of experience in furniture making and decided to continue working on the idea. We developed a new, more modern design for the furniture as well as many new components and finally founded our company at the beginning of 2020.


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Variand Furniture GmbH
Lennard Lingk
Girlitzweg 30, Tor 5
50829 Köln Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE329758328


CNC Holztec - Othmar Conci

Mit Othmar arbeiten wir seid unserem ersten Projekt zusammen. Er ist ein absoluter Spezialist an der CNC-Fräse und ein typischer Südtiroler Tüftler.
Ohne ihn wären wir nicht wo wir heute sind, deshalb darf er hier nicht unerwähnt bleiben.

Variand – the variable furniture system
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