Die Mindestsumme wird für sämtliche Forschungs- und Entwicklungskosten inklusive der Zertifizierungskosten von SevenM verwendet.
Our project revolves around the development and production of an innovative facade greening system that facilitates and enhances the use of plants on building facades. We want to revolutionize the concept of vertical greening and provide a simple, sustainable and aesthetic solution suitable for any building.
Our main goal is to create a sustainable and effective method of greening facades that improves the quality of life in urban areas and helps reduce CO2 emissions. Our target audience is architects, building owners and developers, urban planners, public authorities and anyone interested in improving urban spaces.
Supporting our project can help improve the urban environment and enhance people's quality of life. Successful funding will allow us to cover the research and development costs for our innovative "SevenM" façade greening system and bring it to market. As a supporter, you will also have the opportunity to become part of a sustainable movement that has a positive impact on the environment.
If the funding is successful, the money raised will be invested in the development, production and certification of our innovative module "SevenM".
Our project is led by an experienced team of architects, engineers, businessmen and creative minds. We have already gained extensive experience in the development of sustainable projects and collaborate with industry experts in the field of facade construction, fabrication and greening.
Wir wollen Klimaschutz in den Städten und Gemeinden leben. Mit unserem Modul SevenM sind wir in der Lage die Innenstädte zu kühlen, Biodiversität zu fördern und Schadstoffe, wie Feinstaub und CO2 zu absorbieren. Zudem werden Betriebskosten gesenkt, der Lärmpegel gesenkt, ein ästhetischer Beitrag durch die Betonung der Architektursprache des Gebäudes geleistet und monotone Flächen im innerstädtischen Kontext aufgewertet.