The Goal of this Project is the financial support of the Vocaloid Concert of VOCAMERICA at the Aki no Matsuri (Switzerland)
All the projects in wich VocalNexus is involved are non-commercial Fan-Projects free of charge at Connventions for Fans of this Kind of Music.
The project is all about bringing VOCAMERICA to Europe. The Vocaloid fan concert featuring Western Vocaloid voices was perfomed at the NekoCon in the US for the first time. The concert will be shown at the Aki No Matsuri in Switzerland at the Saturday concert. We want to achieve organizing society chinichi jin from the costs and offer a live broadcast to listen to for everyone who is not able to visit in person.
Fans of Vocaloid-Music, their Voices and all that would like to help that Fan ideas can be Colourful, creative and made with passion. Vocaloids are primarily used by young artists, who realise their ideas and lyrics with those voices.
First Goal: €3,300
At €3,300 we will cover the costs for renting the projector for the VOCAMERICA concert. It will also settle the live broadcast (Radio) of the concert as well as light sticks and additional material like posters/rollups for the concert.
Second Goal: €4,500
With this amount we will additionally rent a big hall for the concert, so more visitors can attend VOCAMERICA.
Third Goal: €6,400
We will buy the projector as a basic requirement for such concerts to offer it for other conventions in the future.
If there will be any money left, we will use it to upgrade the equipment of our VocalNexus radio programme. This means new microphones, Vocaloid CDs to expand our playlist (and to support other Vocaloid fanprojects.)
Behind VOCALNEXUS is Rebecca “Freaky Lulu” Sowodniok, head of the project.
VOCALNEXUS was founded two years ago as an internet radio broadcast. Since October 2016 VOCALNEXUS evolved to an independent project for Vocaloid music.
Beside the broadcast, VOCALNEXUS offers free of charge Workshops and Info Booths at Anime Conventions across German speaking regions.
Steuernummer: 84271359059
Seid Ihr beim VOCAMERICA Konzert auf der Aki No Matsuri dabei?
Dann meldet Euch am VocalNexus Stand!
Alle Supporter bekommen auf die LED-Leuchtstäbe Rabatt und dürfen ihren Leuchtstab für 1,50 Franken mitnehmen statt für 3 Franken.
Supporter der 250er und 500er Rewards bekommen 1 Stab umsonst hinzu.
Aufgrund der begrenzten Stückzahl ist dies auf jeweils 1 Stab pro Supporter begrenzt.
Jedes Dankeschön ab 15 Euro erhält ein Konzertposter "VOCAMERICA at Aki No Matsuri" in DIN A2 (420 x 594 mm) zu den Rewards.
We added to all Rewards 15€+ a Concert Poster of "VOCAMERICA at Aki No Matsuri" inDIN A2 (420 x 594 mm)
For 6400 Euro we add a HD Video Livestream on Youtube from the Concert at Aki No Matsuri!