Crowdfunding since 2010

Supports our planned mobile wood workshop where children can build nesting boxes and discover wildlife and nature conservation through play.

Dive into the fascinating world of nature with our project "Colourful feathers, strong children: The environmental education calendar". We are an association that is passionate about educational work and the protection of animals and the environment. The calendar supports our valuable work. With the proceeds we finance our mobile wood workshop, where children and their families have the opportunity to actively contribute to the conservation of our valuable ecosystems.
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Funding period
7/22/23 - 8/31/23
Delivery end of September
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Primary sustainable development goal
Life on land

What is this project all about?

Our calendar "Our colourful bird world" is entering its third edition and makes an important financial contribution to our work. 100% of the income from the sale of the calendar goes to concrete projects. This year we would like to use it to finance our planned mobile wood workshop.

The special feature of this year's edition is the cooperation with ambitious photographers from the region who have kindly made their pictures available to us.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The aim of this crowdfunding campaign is to finance the 3rd edition of our calendar and to sell all copies for a charitable cause.
Anyone who enjoys beautiful calendar pictures, wants to support nature or early childhood education is cordially invited to support this campaign with a small contribution.

Why would you support this project?

Digital media cannot replace contact with nature and its plants and animals. Today, day-care centres and schools find it difficult to provide this connection, so it is not surprising that many children and young people see nature as something foreign and distant. We want to re-establish the connection to nature and the environment and enable a carefree contact with our environment in a playful and exciting way. With your donation you help us to do this.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

100% of the proceeds from the crowdfunding campaign will go towards financing our mobile wood workshop.This will be used at events, festivals and as part of our work with children and families.
The project costs can be broken down into 3 main areas:

  • Trailer to transport the workshop ~900€.
  • 1st workbench with extensive tool set for 6 children ~ 600€
  • 2nd workbench with extensive tool set for 6 children ~600€

In addition, income from sponsorships and grants should contribute to the financing of our work.

Who are the people behind the project?

Since the beginning of 2021, we have been working as a Dresden association for animal protection and the transfer of knowledge about the species-appropriate design of gardens and green spaces.
We produce nesting aids for birds and insects and work with cemeteries, daycare centres, schools and parks to install them.Since this year, we are increasingly present at festivals and public events where children and families have the opportunity to build nest boxes together with us. The encouragement we have received from people in recent weeks and months has strengthened us in our work and shown that although awareness of nature and animal protection is present, it is often not sufficiently put into practice. As educators, it is our conviction to lay the foundation for later action already in childhood and to give our young fellow human beings knowledge and tools to act self-effectively and to shape their future.

Nistkästen für Dresden

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Life on land

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Unser primäres Ziel ist die Schaffung geeigneter Bruträume für bedrohte Arten im urbanen Raum. Durch die gezielte Anbringung geeigneter Nisthilfen fördern wir die Stabilisierung der Population wild lebender Vögel in Städten.

This project also pays toward those goals

Legal notice
Nistkästen für Dresden e.V.
Jan-Eric Dreßler
Zamenhofstraße 55
01257 Dresden Deutschland


Wildgehege Moritzburg / Sachsenforst

Im Rahmen von Veranstaltungen sind wir mit unserer Nistkasten-Werkstatt vor Ort und informieren zu wichtigen natur- und umweltpädagogischen Themen.

Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden

Unser wichtigster Partner bei finanziellen Themen und gezielter Förderung unserer Projekte und unserer Arbeit.

Verein des Jahres 2022

Wir sind stolz darauf, dass unsere Arbeit mit dem 2. Platz in der Kategorie "Umwelt" ausgezeichnet worden ist.

Beatrice Nolte Stiftung für Natur- und Umweltschutz

Die Beatrice Nolte Stiftung für Natur- und Umweltschutz fördert unser Projekt "Spatzennest - Naturpädagogik für Dresdner Kitas" mit der Finanzierung von 50 Nistkästen.

Match-Medics GmbH

Die Match-Medics GmbH ist Förderer unseres Projekts "Spatzennest - Naturpädagogik für Dresdner Kitas" und finanziert 25 Nistkästen.

Colorful feathers, strong children: The education calendar
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