Crowdfunding since 2010
MUNNA - the latest project of the Vorgaukler crew - tells the story about an average man living an urban, media-based lifestyle until he's thrown off the track by a strange incident in the daily evening news. Reacting unconsciously, he slides into the conflict of egocentrism and the question of social responsability, which takes place within the flood of information so characteristic for our urban spaces. Until it reaches a point where he seems ready to drop everything.
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Funding period
4/22/15 - 5/31/15
Turning 6.-8.15, movie 12.15
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
8,000 €
Movie / Video
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Der Countdown läuft!

Stephan Rixecker
Stephan Rixecker1 min Lesezeit

Der Countdown läuft: Die Crowdfunding-Kampagne zu MUNNA geht in die letzte Woche!! Noch 7 Tage verbleiben, um gemeinsam das letzte Viertel der Fundingsumme zu erreichen. Unterstützen, teilen, Werbung machen!! Jetzt gilt's!

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Munna - Media-critical feature film
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