Crowdfunding since 2010
MUNNA - the latest project of the Vorgaukler crew - tells the story about an average man living an urban, media-based lifestyle until he's thrown off the track by a strange incident in the daily evening news. Reacting unconsciously, he slides into the conflict of egocentrism and the question of social responsability, which takes place within the flood of information so characteristic for our urban spaces. Until it reaches a point where he seems ready to drop everything.
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Funding period
4/22/15 - 5/31/15
Turning 6.-8.15, movie 12.15
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
8,000 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

The latest VORGAUKLER-project is a mid-length movie dealing with topics of social responsability, the (european) refugee crisis and our media dominated society. A modern succesfull, but average man in his thirthies is kicked out of his urban, media based lifestyle by something unusual happening to his passive media reception...something that ends the anonymity of the daily terror transmitted by images from far away. An irritating incident in the evening news, a refugee who seems to address him directly.
This is the start of an impulsive mind-process, hindering him to continue his professional and private life as he was used to before. He floats through the media-filled city, gets into trouble with his girlfriend and his colleagues - because of their lifestyle based on succes - and distances himself from them more and more. This process leads to the unreflected decision of suddenly dropping everything in order to travel to Lampedusa and meet the refugee he saw in the news…

The underlying concept is based on special involvement of music, an innovative soundtrack, composed by TRIP alias Mathias Lang and his beatmaster SINOK, which is evolving in an organic process with all other parts of the movie.
It finally contributes to all levels the movie consists of: visually, narratively and content-wise.

The idea of this project was born by observing and discussing the reality that surrounds us. Stephan delivered the plot with which we started our mutual workflow based on a very active collaboration. In this way the project quickly evolved, already including a concept of a special visual aesthetics and some parts of the soundtrack. At the moment we're about to finish the storyboard and the location scouting, for which we could need your collaboration (more infos given below).

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

There's a double aim within this project: provoking thoughts about the versatile topics of the movie - without any moral preachment - and the try to simultaneously generate a complex viewing experience.
To reach this double aim, we'll distribute the final movie on a large scale by marketing it directly to arthouse cinemas, filmfestivals, organisations and initiatives dealing with political education, special cultural events etc.
Sometime later we could make it accesible for everyone on the internet. Somehow or other, we'd be glad about hints from you concerning the distribution of the project. This will be specified below...

Why would you support this project?

No matter if every member of our team works with a huge input for free, a movie like this can't be realised without a small budget. There are always charges for journeys and catering, renting-costs, props and costumes which you can't find on a german bulk rubbish tip and technical equipment no friend can lend you. There are some locations as well where you can't get a permission to shoot without paying fees, such as trains, subways etc.
Pondering this background we got familiar with the idea of crowdfunding, according to our understanding of the movie as a part of a wider public discourse, which means: giving it back to the people by trying the largest distribution possible. Reaching the actual phase of the project was just possible through our system of collaboration and the support of friends. So why not trying to find more supporters who like our idea and want to contribute something to its realisation? Either financially in exchange for one (or several) of our nice rewards or practically with hints for locations or distribution of the final movie - or everything at once ;)

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

If we reach our funding goal the project can be realised as described above, i.e. all unavoidable costs could be paid and with the enthusiastic and unsalaried collaboration of the whole team something great could be done. Concretely speaking: your financial support will be invested in shooting-permits, props, costumes, rent of technical equipment and costs for journeys and catering.
If a huge participation from you leads to more money than our estimated funding goal, we'll use it for rewarding all team members who don't belong to the Vorgaukler-crew.
But besides financial support you could also assist us with hints for locations and the distribution of the final movie.
Do you have any suggestions for nice locations, do you know office spaces, appartements etc. that could fit the project?
Do you have information about arthouse cinemas, are you connected to film or other clubs linked to cultural events and movies, or are you familiar with distribution-channels that haven't even gotten into our minds?
We'd be pretty happy about your ideas, hints and offers. To get more informations about these topics, just check our posts on the campaign wall. You can directly scribble your ideas and hints down there. Or just contact us via [email protected] ...

Who are the people behind the project?

We - the Vorgauklers - are an association of freelancers coming from differents sectors of art and media (directing, writing, set design, media design, music) who are realizing movies together by trying to combine our different specialisations and approaches in the movie-making process.
This leads to a collaborative and interdisciplinary workflow full of exchange and discussions, reaching a symbiotic evolution of all levels important for our movies (sound, visuals, music etc.). The aim behind that is to understand and create movies as a complex, multi-levelled art-work which bears the signatures of all of us.

Vorgaukler Film

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Munna - Media-critical feature film
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