Crowdfunding since 2010
Fiadh Rua Gregg
3 hours ago
Her Brig
8 hours ago
Anna Kappeler
10 hours ago
Anna Kappeler
10 hours ago
Philip St John
12 hours ago
Lena Rau
27 hours ago
Jessica Sonntag
33 hours ago
Vladyslav Kalashnykov
33 hours ago
Vladyslav Kalashnykov
33 hours ago
Julia Westwood
33 hours ago
Marcel Sänger
35 hours ago
Elina Kaikova
2 days ago
Alina Hermann
3 days ago
Sandra und Adriana Miotto
5 days ago
Markus Stalder
5 days ago
Fabian Finke
6 days ago
Oliver Pellet
7 days ago
Michael Griesser
8 days ago
Andy O'Farrell
8 days ago
Kaala Starke
8 days ago

we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"

9,810 €(82%)
Minimum amount 12,000 €
8 days

Be a crowd snail, support Proud Snail!

We are Jan & Jannike, also known as we are ALVA, and together with you we'd like to release our debut album Proud Snail – a groovy and diverse record that celebrates the art of taking your time.

Privacy notice
Funding period
31.01.25 - 23.03.25
March till Oktober 2025
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 12,000 €
This amount allows us to cover the costs of releasing our album: vinyl & CD pressing, artwork, GEMA fees, music videos, press photos, and promotion.
Freiburg im Breisgau
Project widget
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Primary sustainable development goal
Gender equality
Gudrun Rau
Gudrun Rau
6 hours ago
Freue mich auf das Konzert zu meinem Geburtstag
Maybelline Broekhuijsen
Maybelline Broekhuijsen
8 days ago
Good luck, you guys deserve it!
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
7 days ago
Thank you Maybelline!! 💜💜💜 Can't wait to send the album to the Netherlands!!
Denise und Michael Schmid
Denise und Michael Schmid
17 days ago
Ihr zwei wunderbaren Menschen!!! Wir sind dankbar, dass sich unsere Wege kreuzten. So sympathische, herzerwärmende und inspirierende Menschen trifft man nicht jeden Tag und die Menschen da draußen müssen euch einfach kennenlernen um eure Musik im Herzen spüren zu dürfen. Wir drücken euch unendlich die Daumen, hoffen bald euer musikalisches Baby zu Ohren zu bekommen und wünschen euch alles erdenklich Gute!!!
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
14 days ago
Ihr seid so süß, wir danken euch von Herzen für diese wundervollen Worte!! Und hoffen, dass sich unsere Wege noch mindestens ein weiteres mal kreuzen werden!! 💜
Simon Oßwald
Simon Oßwald
18 days ago
Hej ihr Lieben! Vielen Dank für eure Kunst, eure Hingabe und die Emotionen, die ihr mit eurer Musik teilt. Ihr seid einfach genial einzigartig <3
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
17 days ago
Simon! Vielen Dank für deine lieben Worte und natürlich auch deine finanzielle Unterstützung ❤️ ... wegen Leute wie dir können und wollen wir weitermachen!!
Sofia Parkkola
Sofia Parkkola
18 days ago
Best of luck with the project and greetings from Finland!
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
18 days ago
Thanks so much Sofia!! Can't wait to send our music to Finland! 💚
Bar Geva
Bar Geva
24 days ago
The most talented power couple, great musicians! Love you guys, good luck ❤️
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
23 days ago
🙏🙏🙏 You're the sweetest!!! 💙
Oliver Bussell
Oliver Bussell
27 days ago
We can’t wait to hear the new album guys!!! We’re so proud of you! Lots of love Evelin and Oliver
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
26 days ago
Awww guys!! Thanks so much, means the world to us!! 💗
Jessica Dooner
Jessica Dooner
35 days ago
We can’t wait to hear your album! Wishing you the best, Jessica
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
34 days ago
Ahhh thanks so much for your support guys!! 🙏💛
Gudrun Rau
Gudrun Rau
36 days ago
Endlich mal eine handgemachte, authentische Musik mit Tiefgang. Weiter so, ich freue mich auf euer neues Album.
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
36 days ago
Danke Mutti! Was würden wir nur ohne dich tun 😘🩵
Silvia Goics
Silvia Goics
36 days ago
So schön, dass euer „musikalisches Baby“ bald geboren wird ❤️🍀🌞🎶! Viel Freude bei der Produktion! Freu mich schon auf die Platte 🫶🏻🥰! Alles Liebe für euch!! ☀️
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
36 days ago
Ganz lieben Dank für deine Unterstützung Silviiii 🫶 Hoffentlich sehen wir uns bald mal wieder!! 💕
Christoph Oesterle
Christoph Oesterle
40 days ago
Habe ALVA live gesehen - klasse Band, großartige Songs! Freue mich schon jetzt auf das Album!
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
40 days ago
Awww... vielen herzlichen Dank für deinen Support und deine Worte!! 🌺
Lisa Schultz
Lisa Schultz
41 days ago
Freu mich sehr auf's Album! :)
we are ALVA
we are ALVA
41 days ago
Vielen lieben Dank für deine Unterstützung Lisa!! 💜

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Tag @we.are.alva @startnext in your posts.

we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Crowdfunding together on
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Crowdfunding together on
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Crowdfunding together on
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Crowdfunding together on
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Crowdfunding together on
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Crowdfunding together on
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Crowdfunding together on
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Gemeinsam crowdfinanzieren auf
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Gemeinsam crowdfinanzieren auf
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Gemeinsam crowdfinanzieren auf
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Gemeinsam crowdfinanzieren auf
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
Gemeinsam crowdfinanzieren auf
we are ALVA
Funding goal 12,000 €
Whether on WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook or Instagram, if you share this project with your friends in a story or status, the project has a chance of gaining more reach on social media. Simply use our graphics.
Tag @we.are.alva @startnext in your posts.

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we are ALVA - Debut album "Proud Snail"
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