With 50.000€ we can already offer a free app with basic functionalities: Calculator, barcode scanner, watch list.
If you have found us here, you should be aware that humanity is not on a sustainable course. We all consume too many resources and we emit far too much CO2. In Germany this is currently around 12 tons per person per year. Sustainable would be 2,5t per year per person.
But how do we get there, what do we lack? We lack measurability and transparency!
Are you actually aware of the costs for the environment if you buy a piece of clothing or just drive to the supermarket? No? Why not? You do know how much you spend on a piece of clothing and at least have an idea of how much you pay for the drive. And that is the situation with almost everything you do and buy in everyday life: You know the price, but you don't know the environmental cost.
This is where worldwatchers comes into play. We're developing an app that can do just that: We create transparency and comparability in environmental costs for all areas of life - and our "currency" is CO2.
Whether products, activities or services - you always have an overview and can consciously and well informed make the best decisions for you and our environment. With the app you can see your total balance at any time, so that you know where you stand right now. Like a budget planner that helps you to check if your “environmental finances” are still in order.
Via the app we connect all users of the WoW app - every "worldwatcher" - in a strong community that can initiate and implement reversing climate change.
Worldwatchers wants to make it possible for all of us to meet the 1.5° climate goal. This is why we have adopted the roadmap for gradual CO2 reduction from the current study "1.5-degree-Lifestyles". We firmly believe that everyone should be himself the change he wants for our world. We also firmly believe in the power of the community through which we will achieve our common goals. But this does not mean that we are releasing politics and business from their responsibilities - quite the opposite.
For those, which are already unrelentingly campaigning for climate change, the WoW app is THE lever to lend weight to their political and economic demands, by corresponding measurably sustainable action in our own everyday life. But of course, also for all others who want to set a good example.
That's why we at worldwatchers want to release a free, easy-to-use, objective and climate-effective app for everyone with access to a smartphone.
We address everyone who is aware of the climate crisis and willing to contribute his/her own part to the solution. Anyone who wants to keep an eye on her/his CO2 budget by tracking in the WoW app and can thus measurably improve the personal climate balance. This makes it possible for everyone to be the change he or she wants to see for this world.
On the worldwatchers platform these many small changes by each of us form a powerful movement. The more we become, the greater the impact we have. And worldwatchers makes it visible! In numbers, in graphics - and if we get enough - with the biggest photo in the world! Promised!
It has turned out that a trend becomes a movement when at least 3% of society sets a good example. Then change picks up speed and it is difficult to be stopped - and the ecological change can begin. That should (and must) be possible together!
Because looking the other way is not a solution and there is no alternative but to tackle the climate crisis - NOW.
Because there is simply no better solution than to set a good example.
Because politicians today who say that climate protection "hurts" are hiding the fact that no climate protection and the resulting consequences make their statements seem downright ridiculous.
Because climate protection can also be fun, as the worldwatchers concept contains the most important elements which, according to happiness research, are the basis for a satisfied life: Achieving something together - doing something for others - consciously enjoying – forgoing on something and then really being happy when you allow yourself to finally enjoy it.
That's why:
It starts with yourself. If not now, when? If not like this, how?
Become a worldwatcher now, activate your friends and support us - your Perk is waiting for you!
We want to provide you with an app and an online platform that makes it easy for you to live sustainably. This undertaking is however very complex, because software programming is unfortunately not for free. However, we want the basic version of the app to remain free of charge and still be able to do a lot that is currently not available anywhere else. Because we want something to be done about climate protection - because we are serious about it.
We already have a good version and are not far away from this goal. But now that we have pre-financed this prototype out of our own pocket, we need your financial support. With your help we can launch the WoW app this year!
With the prototype (worldwatchers.org) and the funding target 1 we have 400 products in different product combinations based on the data of the Wuppertal Institute from the areas: Nutrition, mobility, shopping, travel, leisure and accommodation, integrated. The prototype gives you a good overview of which functionalities are possible. The version from the funding target 1 then makes the app really usable: you can set up a complete profile, the app will offer product alternatives and we implement the first step to a budget and networking in the community with a simple "sharing" functionality.
With the funding target 2 it will become really exciting, because the user friendliness will be increased enormously. With more products and a budget plan with goals and comparison possibilities, you can better estimate daily decisions and manage your entire annual budget. The community functions will be expanded so that common goals, successes and tips can be shared.
With the second target we can also release the WoW+ version faster. We have a wide range of ideas that we can incorporate, and we need your help to prioritize them. To give a few examples: GPS movement tracking, pedometer, calorie counter, shareable shopping list, recipe suggestions generated from your stocks, etc.
The funding goals are designed so that we can get started and develop the basic features and a few more ideas. In order to really implement everything we have thought about and make life as easy as possible for you, funding goal 2 is far from the end.
If we can do more - much more - we can roll out the app in Europe and worldwide. Thanks to our existing database and the genius of our "technical brain" Andy, worldwatchers is designed in such a way that we can supply all relevant languages and also calculate the values for every place in the world. Pretty cool.
As already mentioned several times, it is important to us that the app is free of charge in order to give as many people as possible the opportunity to become worldwatcher and contribute to our vision of the climate change.
Since we don't want to knock on your door with a crowdfunding every year, we need continuous revenue sources to operate and develop the worldwatchers platform.
Therefore, when the basic version with all essential functions is available, we will develop the WoW+ version together with some of you. This version will - as mentioned above - have some additional gimmicks and comfort features. If you don't want to do without it - or if you could, but want to support us with the WoW+ fee - you can upgrade accordingly. But we won't be annoying you permanently and at every turn - we promise.
Apart from that - for now that's dreams of the future. But we don't want to hide the planned paid version from you either, because openness and transparent communication is very important at worldwatchers. Why? Because transparency is generally the core of our mission: transparency in the sustainability and CO2 debate.
Our founding team consists of 5 members:
Christoph Kunz is the author, creative director and future managing director. He has more than 20 years experience in marketing and sales as well as in product management and business development. For more than 15 years he has been working for Europe's leading purchasing association, the BME e. V. Verband für Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik. There he is responsible for sponsoring, events and business development. Christoph is a passionate networker and has a large network in the purchasing community. As a reminder, the sustainability of products is created in the supply chains for which Purchasing is responsible. In addition, a large "sustainability network" has been added in the last two years since he has started the founding of worldwatchers.
Michael Kochs is the second future managing director and our financial and risk expert. He gained his professional experience mainly in international sales, risk management, strategy and business development. He makes sure that we don't overshoot the mark and stay focused. His studies in agricultural sciences brought him into contact with various aspects of environmental pollution and solutions for environmental protection. During his 15 years with Munich Re, he gained extensive insights into the topic of climate change and its consequences.
Andreas Rennet is our IT expert, he has an extensive network in the cost calculation scene and is an experienced founder. He has more than 20 years of experience in technological and product-oriented consulting in manufacturing and development. In addition, there is extensive knowledge in sales, marketing and business and software development. He was responsible for extensive software projects and software implementations, e.g. in the area of product life cycle analysis as well as data and cost management for automobile manufacturers. In addition, he is very familiar with the trend technologies artificial intelligence, big data and blockchain. This also makes worldwatchers the technology leader in sustainability measurement.
Jonas Scheyrer is our expert for life-cycle-assessment. He is responsible for crowdfunding and will in future primarily serve our corporate clients. For them, we can use Andreas' tools to analyze the CO2 footprints of their products. He has a wide range of experience, from customer care and consulting to environmental management. Jonas got to know life-cycle-assessment as part of his master's degree in Bioeconomics. Since this is the best tool to achieve a sustainable future in his view, he wrote his master thesis about it and combined it with life-cycle-costing.
Viola Hasani is our project manager and keeps us on track. With more than 4 years of professional experience in HR, processes and project management, she will primarily be responsible for the social media areas as well as product management for B2C. She will always keep an eye on your product wishes and have an ear for your concerns.
But there are others behind the project! Special mention should be made here:
The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy gGmbH (WI), which forms our scientific backbone and is significantly involved in the development of worldwatchers. The WI is ranked among the top 10 think tanks worldwide on the subject of sustainability. We work closely with them to ensure that our data is objective, scientifically sound and reliable.
Prof. Dr. Christa Liedtke, chairwoman of the Resource Commission of the Federal Environment Agency, is head of Sustainable Production and Consumption at the Wuppertal Institute and chairs our scientific advisory board. She has been a permanent member of the jury for the German Sustainability Award for many years and is a sought-after speaker.
Michael Lettenmeier, scientist, managing director of D-Mat and co-author of the current study "1.5-DEGREE-Lifestyles" is a worldwide renowned expert in the field of sustainable lifestyles, CO2 and resource efficiency.
AndersGründer, is a project of the KfW Foundation to support start-ups that develop solutions in the area of the UN's sustainability goals (SDG17), like our project worldwatchers.
Krombacher supports us in the context of their Naturstarter action! A huge thank you for that!
We are also invited to the Ludwig Erhard Symposium to discuss how start-ups deal with and influence the topic of sustainability.
vertreten durch die Gesellschafter
Herrn Christoph Kunz, E-Mail: [email protected]
Herrn Michael Kochs, E-Mail: [email protected],
Internet: www.worldwatchers.org
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