Crowdfunding since 2010

Documentation of Johannes Erdmann and Cati Trapp about her two-year sailing trip on a 10m boat across the Atlantic and through the Caribbean.

In September 2014 Johannes Erdmann and Cati Trapp put out to sea to cross the Atlantic, sail through the Caribbean and to discover the East Coast of the USA . Johannes, is an experienced sailor, but Cati is a complete beginner! Two years living in a confined space and under the harsh conditions of life on the sea. The dream of exiting? The young couple has captured the journey in a moving video diary. Now we want to make a movie out of it! Authentic, close, and honest!
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Funding period
8/31/16 - 10/24/16
6-8 Weeks
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
20,000 €
Movie / Video
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Northwest Pictures
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"A couple at sea" The movie!
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