Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

New Duo from Susana Sawoff & Raphael Meinhart Neo Classic meets Indie Jazz

EXIT UNIVERSE What remains of a love affair that has ended? For Susana Sawoff and Raphael Meinhart the answer is music. The two Austrians finally reunite as an artistic duo. Their debut album "Because the World is Round" reveals their very special symbiosis. They come together from two very different musical worlds to create haunting melodies, weaving piano, vocals, vibraphone, marimba, and percussions into a colourful tapestry of sound. It will be available in CD, Vinyl and digitally.
30.11.17 - 14.01.18
Album Release: Early 2018
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
6.500 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

EXIT UNIVERSE is a new duo founded by Susana Sawoff and Raphael Meinhart. "Because the World is Round" will be their first album which will be released digitally, in CD and in Vinyl. On this album, which holds 13 songs in store, the two of them reveal their shared enthusiasm for minimalism and reduction as well as their love for perfectly balanced soundscapes. They meander between indie and jazz and between neo classic and avantgarde. They playfully create haunting melodies, weaving piano, vocals, vibraphone, marimba, drum pad and a glockenspiel into a colourful tapestry of sound.

Line Up:
Susana Sawoff: Vocals, Piano
Raphael Meinhart: Vibraphone, Marimba, drum pad, syntheziser, Glockenspiel

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

The goal is to release a great new album that will hopefully blow you mind. The music on "Because the World is Round" can be described as a blend between Jazz and Indie, Neo Classic and contemporary music.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Two years of hard work go into this new Duo and into this Album.
If music brings joy into your life, in one way or another, we would be very happy if we could count on your support.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The money acquired through this Crowdfunding will be used for all the Album Costs. These are: studio rental costs, sound engineer costs, mixing costs, mastering costs, pressing of CD and Vinyl costs, PR costs, photo-shooting costs, artwork costs, homepage costs, etc.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Susana Sawoff
Raphael Meinhart

EXIT UNIVERSE Album "Because the World is Round"
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