Hang in out there
"Where do people hang and why? For hanging you need both power to achieve a good position and then you can relax the body or parts of your body. Which feeling do you get when you hang? When you hang you surrender gravity. Does this achieved feeling evolve freedom? At the same time you lose the contact to the floor. How to make this freedom visible? How to define hanging? Is climbing or layaway also hanging? Does the body have to hang on
something to hang? What is the aesthetic in the movement of hanging? How can the audience experience the feeling of freedom? If you hang you experience also the thrill. In any moment you might fall. How to reveal the controll and loss of controll in the hanging movement? When does it become dangerous? Where are the limits of the movement of hanging? For example power, physical tension
and acrobatic abilities and techniques might be reached. Strength, courage and trust might play a role aswell. Also the limits of the space could be exhausted. By revealing the struggle of reaching freedom the concept of it might crash"
In ihrer Performance "Hang in out there" untersucht Carolin Heller Hängen als körperlichen Akt, als Bestreben die Schwerkraft zu überwinden.
Carolin Heller studierte Pädagogik, Religionswissenschaften und Sportwissenschaften an der Universität Koblenz. In Berlin nahm sie an verschiedenen Tanztheaterprojekten der Universität der Künste teil. Als Mitglied des TheaterSpielRaums im Künstlerhaus Bethanien leitete sie diverse Theater- und Tanzprojekte. Zurzeit studiert sie im Abschlusssemester Performance Studies (MA) an der Universität Hamburg.