Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

You can be a part of our first album!

Filipe, Gregor, Simon and Mathias are recording their first album as a quartet. Read below to find out how you can be a part of this exciting jorney!
03.09.18 - 15.10.18
October 2018 - February 2019
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
4.500 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

The project is a quartet recording of original music.
It's all about interaction, and it's all about exploring different possibilities within the quartet formation.

I have been writing music for almost as long as I have been playing guitar. I have a large collection of original music, but somehow it never felt right to record just a "collection" of my music. I always felt like an album should be a complete artistic statement in itself. The songs should not only tell a story within themselves but they should also contribute to the bigger story, told by the album as whole.

All this music was written in a short period of time, specifically for these musicians, emphasizing what, in my opinion, makes them unique.
The music has evolved - and will continue to do so, even after being recorded - through our various concerts in Berlin.

It's finally time to record this music and the energy of this group is fantastic - and you all can be a part of it!

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

In a broad sense, this project is for anyone who feels art is worth supporting. For the ones who believe that new and exciting things can be just around the corner, but sometimes simply need that initial push.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

To see something completely new come to life.
This project has lived through the good will of everyone involved. Several plane tickets that don't pay themselves even after the gig, many rehearsal hours for unpaid shows, uncountable days and months of composing and living with this music just with the conviction that it is good music. And that it should be heard, and shared, because maybe other people will feel the same way about it.
Supporting this project means believing that our artistic vision means something, and that this album is able in some way to contribute to the world of music, of art, and to our culture in general.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The goal of this campaign is to fund the first of two phases of recording an album, which comprises:
- Studio fees,
- Sound engineer,
- Travel and accomodation expenses,
- Food,
- Musician fees.

Any money eventually raised beyond the goal will be used on the next phase, which has to do with mixing, mastering, graphic design and printing the album.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

The quartet is made of 3 incredibly talented humans, and me.

Gregor Fticar is an insane pianist, in the very best sense of the word. And an extraordinary person. His quick understanding of my music always surprises me. He's also my harmony partner. He's a deep listener and playing with him is always easy since he has a way of making everyone sound fantastic. He comes from Slovenia and lives in Switzerland.

Simon Quinn has a huge bass sound. He's all about the music, the final product. And his contribution to it is tremendous. Playing with him I always feel like nothing is set in stone. He's always looking for the next perfect note to play, always changing and immediately adapting to each new environment, but still providing a bullet-proof solid accompaniment that allows for crazy amounts of experimentation. Simon is Swiss and lives in Germany.

Mathias Ruppnig is definitely one of the most in demand drummers in Berlin. And for good reason. He has a beautiful sound and a quick understanding of the music. He looks at a crazy piece of music like he's done it a thousand times. He adds an edge to this music that is much needed. Keeps us on our toes, waiting to see where he takes the music next. Mathias is Austrian and lives in Germany.

I am Filipe Duarte, the guitarist and composer on this project.
I wrote all this music as a whole, hoping that it will speak to other people as it does to me.
I love counterpoint, 20th Century music, interactive melodies, surprising arrangments and beautiful and engaging melodies.

Filipe Duarte - Debut Album
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