Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

a guide to seasonal cooking and sustainable living

Grow to Gather bietet ansprechende Rezepte und Ideen für den täglichen Gebrauch. Dieses Buch gibt uns nicht nur köstliche Mahlzeiten, um unseren Körper zu erhalten, sondern lehrt uns auch, welche Lebensmittel am besten zu kochen sind, wann sie zu verwenden sind und warum. Während allen vier Jahreszeiten, beim Kochen und Fotografieren, in Echtzeit während des Jahres, werde ich die verschiedenen Saisons, die Ernte und den Einkauf, in Übereinstimmung mit dem was die Erde zu bieten hat, erkunden.
01.04.20 - 10.05.20
10. 05. 2020 - 12.12. 2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 10.000 €

Dieses Ziel ermöglicht es, die Produktion des Buches zu finanzieren, einschließlich der Kosten für Entwicklung, Design, Marketing und die erste Auflage.

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Grow to Gather - Year End Update

Andrea Senyk
Andrea Senyk3 min Lesezeit

Dearest Grow to Gather Supporters,

Hello and Happy Holidays !

I hope you are all well, and enjoying this Christmas season the best you can.

I see a lot of hate and greed and irresponsibility happening around town, this Corona virus doesn't make things easy! But I hope you can all find it in your hearts to continue to be kind to one another, and to take the time to take care of yourself and maybe others, even if from a distance, this Christmas season.

Gifts and sweets are all luxuries, and we have to remember what is most important these days. Some people are working and helping others so selflessly ( a huge thanks to all you healthcare workers, school teachers, and, and, and ) While the next guy is complaining about not being able to purchase his favorite meal or find the gift he needs for his mother and law.

All I am asking you is to remember your priorities! And what is really important.


NOW, the official update for Grow to Gather, my seasonal cookbook.

I have been working hard cooking and photographing all year long, and I am happy to say that we are in the final stretches. A few more recipes need to be finished up, and then of course there is more edits and proof reading to be done, but a final copy and printing date is planned for early to mid January 2021.

Not long after, I will be hand delivering, emailing, and of course postal mailing out all of your copies. For this moment I am most excited!

So all you need to do is wait!
Thank you for being so patient.

BUT IF, your address or email has changed since your purchase of your reward in the Spring, please inform me, to ensure no mistakes are made.

OR, if you would still like to pre-order another copy for someone else. The sooner you do so the better! I am only printing a limited number of copies, and cannot foresee how many I will need for the future. This can be done simply through email or telephone.

Once the books have been printed and are being mailed, I will send you another update to let you know they are on their way!

Until then, thank you, thank you and one more time thank you.
For making 2020 a very special year for me.

I was able to fulfill a dream, and put my ideas into reality.
I have learned so much, and feel so grateful to work on what I love to do.

Merry Christmas, Joyeuse Noël, Frohe Weihnachten,

to you and yours.

Stay healthy and stay safe everyone,

With Love,

Andrea Senyk Photography
Andrea Senyk
Zeppelinstr. 3
81541 München Deutschland

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Grow to Gather
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