Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

a guide to seasonal cooking and sustainable living

Grow to Gather bietet ansprechende Rezepte und Ideen für den täglichen Gebrauch. Dieses Buch gibt uns nicht nur köstliche Mahlzeiten, um unseren Körper zu erhalten, sondern lehrt uns auch, welche Lebensmittel am besten zu kochen sind, wann sie zu verwenden sind und warum. Während allen vier Jahreszeiten, beim Kochen und Fotografieren, in Echtzeit während des Jahres, werde ich die verschiedenen Saisons, die Ernte und den Einkauf, in Übereinstimmung mit dem was die Erde zu bieten hat, erkunden.
01.04.20 - 10.05.20
10. 05. 2020 - 12.12. 2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 10.000 €

Dieses Ziel ermöglicht es, die Produktion des Buches zu finanzieren, einschließlich der Kosten für Entwicklung, Design, Marketing und die erste Auflage.

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Ultimate Thanks - May 2021

Andrea Senyk
Andrea Senyk2 min Lesezeit

Happy Sunday Mother’s Day Morning to you Dear Readers!

I am typing next to my fully open bedroom window.
Birds are chirping their many morning songs.
The sky is as blue as it can be.
The trees and bushes and lawn full in bloom and vibrant as ever.
Cherry Blossoms, Iris’, Lilacs and many more ….

My neighbours telephone rings.
A wasp greets my window pain.
The tram glide past on its tracks.
The church bells sound at quarter to 11.
Man isn’t Spring just magnificent!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I just wanted to send you all a little message,

Thanking you again for your support with Grow to Gather this past year. For your patience, kindness, motivation, and so much more!

My living room is officially empty of cardboard, packaging and shipments. I have packed, stamped and delivered about 180 books.

This took about two weeks time, and much organization.
Many of you have received your books already,
And the rest are en route to you in the post.
So keep your eyes peeled!

I am so grateful to have received such beautiful and positive feedback. It is so important for us artists to get, and it feels so good to hear :) Fotos, texts, messages and phone calls.
Such kindness being spread.

I love that what I made, is not only beautiful,
But has meaning and purpose in your lives as well.
Thank thank thank you from all my heart.

Now is the time!
Tis the season for cooking, baking, cleaning and gathering!
Spring is Here! And summer is approaching near.
And Grow to Gather is guiding you along this year!

On the 15th of May I will be taking two weeks off
( no computer, some internet, lots of sun and sand )
To rest, recharge and get out of the city.

If you are still interested in purchasing a book,
I can send it off to you before then,
or again starting the 1st of June when I return to Munich.

Below are a few images from my cookbook on my bed this morning. I thought it time to give it the full love it deserves :)

And last but not least !
A shout out to all the Mom’s out there today.

You are our rocks, our foundations, you guide us, and so so so much more.

Today is your Day. Get out and ENJOY!
With Love from Munich,


Andrea Senyk Photography
Andrea Senyk
Zeppelinstr. 3
81541 München Deutschland

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Grow to Gather
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